1:00 AM – Lately the squirrels have become more aggressive. Presumably it is mating season, or maybe this generation of the pests is just irritable. The attack is in slow motion, but the little beasts move so fast it only lasts a fraction of a second:
More Blue Jay activity. The peanuts really attracted them, but they’ll eat seeds too.
1:00 AM – Although we can’t see the cat, it looks like a cat attack to me. This time he/she came from the ground side of the rail, instead of the deck, and almost got that Towhee:
The Squirrels are pests, but they’re still amusing to watch.
Here’s rare video of a Sasquatch sighting. This solitary creature is very seldom seen. Note his protective green coloration, and the cautious way he approaches the open space of the lawn. He was probably stalking a small deer, or raccoon.