Tag Archives: Squirrels

Monday – 12.25.2017

3:55 AM – Merry Christmas, my excellent and beloved wife. I wish I could have prepared a Christmas themed set of videos today, but the birds refused to wear their little holiday costumes. Except the Cardinals, of course. Here are some Retro-Videos of those red birds.

A drab,  but entertaining Mockingbird, shown from an unusual angle.

The One-eared Squirrel. I think. Actually, this might be a different squirrel, with damage to both ears. Or the same one, with another lost ear, making him the No-eared Squirrel. In this video, it’s not clear but he was not successful in his attempt to reach the suet feeder.

Friday – 12.1.2017

4:08 AM – Doves are flooding the place. You can see them lined up on the rail, waiting to get onto the platform feeder. One ‘power dove’ manages to hold them at bay for a while, but another ‘more powerful dove’ shows up and takes over. Life in the dove world is no picnic.

Squirrels are pests, it’s true, but they can be cute, too. Like this one getting a drink of water. He looks like a squirrel-nerd – he just needs a pair of taped-up glasses.

Saturday – 11.18.2017

3:24 AM – Thirsty squirrels, a cat and the very popular raccoon take their turn.

I still have a hard time telling the difference between the varieties of Sparrows. I think these might be Song Sparrows, but those are supposed to have stripes on the chest. They also look like White Throated Sparrows but they don’t really have white throats. Whatever brand of Sparrow these are, there are several of them, which is nice, as they haven’t been around much lately.  A femaile Purple Finch is also there, until finally a Cardinal runs the whole lot of them off.

Monday – 10.23.2017

2:49 AM – We moved the big birdbath in front of the camera, and we’re getting a nice variety of visitors. Here we have (in order of appearance) another line-up of visitors: a Bluebird, Cardinal, Brown Thrasher, Carolina Wren, squirrel (two eared variety) and a midnight cat.

Cardinal and Chickadee sharing the Squirrel Buster feeder. As usual, the Cardinal stays put and feeds, while the Chickadee darts in and out.


Sunday – 10.22.2017

12:28 AM – We had enough decent videos this week so that once again we’re skipping ‘Retro Sunday’. Instead, here’s a series of birds (and others) at the birdbath. We’re getting a greater variety now that the camera is focused on the water feature. In order of appearance: Brown Thrasher, Purple Finch, Yellow Warbler (I think), a squirrel   and finally, a Raccoon passing through on his way to ravage the mealworm feeder. I’m calling the third one a Yellow Warbler, and not a Goldfinch, because there are no head markings. But I could easily be wrong.

Lots of Bluebirds around lately. I’d still like to get footage of them chasing each other, but that’s not really possible with our cameras and very limited cinematography skill. Here’s one having a suet-snack.

Carolina Chickadee at the Squirrel Buster.


Wednesday – 10.18.2017

3:10 AM – More from the new Birdbath Cam. A series of birds, and a squirrel, at the watering hole. They are a Bluebird, Chickadee, Mourning Dove and Squirrel, in that order. The dove is different than the other birds – he doesn’t get water in his beak and tilt his head up so it rolls down his throat. He just sticks his beak in like a straw.

Bluebirds have been all over the place the last few days, chasing each other in and out of the trees. We don’t have video of that, but here’s a couple at the birdbath.