1:00 AM – It’s unusual to see a Squirrel around after dark. Not sure what time this was taken, but I think very shortly after the sun set.
White Breasted Nuthatch.
Cardinal ground feeding.
1:00 AM – It’s unusual to see a Squirrel around after dark. Not sure what time this was taken, but I think very shortly after the sun set.
White Breasted Nuthatch.
Cardinal ground feeding.
1:00 AM – A Cardinal bathing, interrupted by a thirsty Dove.
Ground Squirrel getting some of the seed.
Male House Finch.
1:00 AM – Ground Squirrels. Are they playing or ‘courting’?
Another good video of a handsome Eastern Towhee ‘hop-scratching’ for seeds.
Brown Thrasher:
1:00 AM – Dove bathing. As he’s getting into the water, he seems to peck at it. No one knows why.
A Squirrel, caught on the Ground Cam, eating peanuts that D generously set out for the critters.
A Dove with Finches in the background on the feeder.
1:00 AM – Here’s a Squirrel foraging under the hanging feeder. We get Squirrels at this location, but not as many as we had hanging around the platform feeder on the deck.
Finch eating. She’s got a powerful beak.
Another video of the current crop of Eastern Towhees.
1:00 AM – Just a video of a Squirrel drinking.
And another one idling on a rock.
Either a Purple or House Finch.
1:00 AM – Squirrel foraging on the ground for seed spilled from the Squirrel Buster.
Mrs. Cardinal havingĀ a snack under the feeder.
Ground Squirrel joining the party under the Squirrel Buster
1:00 AM – Here’s a video from the new location of the Squirrel Buster. This is proof that the Squirrel Buster lives up to its name.
Another Squirrel video, this one of a squirrel checking out the pool, and deciding to pass on the water. It might have been too shallow to comfortably reach, as in the video below.
Finally, a Finch discovers that she can’t reach the water in Mazy’s pool.
1:00 AM – Squirrel gets a drink.
A Carolina Wren at the Squirrel Buster, when it was in it’s old, dark location. Future videos of this feeder should be of better quality, now that it’s been relocated.
Another video of that Blue Jay from a couple of days ago. We don’t see them too much, and don’t see the Bluebirds at all. Maybe it’s the hawk that lives next door.
1:00 AM – Faces of the Platform – a series of close-up videos of patrons of the platform feeder. They are, in order, a Cardinal, Finch, Dove, Wren and Squirrel.