1:00AM – Lots of traffic on the mealworm feeder. This Chickadee is a big fan:
Brown Headed Cowbirds hang out with the Red-winged Blackbirds:
Here’s a hungry squirrel. As if there were any other kind.
1:00AM – Lots of traffic on the mealworm feeder. This Chickadee is a big fan:
Brown Headed Cowbirds hang out with the Red-winged Blackbirds:
Here’s a hungry squirrel. As if there were any other kind.
1:00 AM – Red-winged Blackbird snacking. They’re still here.
Squirrels can be fun to watch.
Red-wings flocking:
1:00 AM – Blue Jay wolfing peanuts and knocking them on the ground:
Red-wing and a Cardinal:
Unusual view of a squirrel feeding:
1:00 AM – This little Red-winged Blackbird went right for the camera, nobody knows why.
The mealworm feeder is back, and it’s getting it’s share of traffic. Here’s a nice looking Cardinal.
Squirrels are pests, but sometimes they’re cute:
1:00 AM – Brown Headed Cowbirds still around:
And more of them:
And for a change, a staring squirrel:
Here’s a bunch of videos for you.
1:00 AM – We converted the water bowl on the deck to a platforms feeder (it’s intended use). The birds liked it, none so much as the Cardinals. And of course, the Squirrels.
For some reason this Raccoon wasn’t impressed with the new set up. Maybe the feed mix wasn’t to his liking. He didn’t have much luck with the Squirrel Buster feeder.
1:00 AM – First sighting of a Pine Warbler this year. We hope we get lots more of them.
Clever Squirrel likes mealworms.
1:00 AM – Pathetic squirrel finds the water bowl completely dry. We filled it shortly after this.
Cat hunting at night.
1:00 AM – Ground Squirrel poaching the birds hunting grounds.
House Finches like the tree feeder: