Tag Archives: Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Friday – 10.12.2018
1:00 AM – Finches are everywhere.
And the Grosbeaks are still around:
Tuesday – 10.9.2018
1:00 AM – The Downy Woodpeckers are still around, but we don’t see them much on camera.
Another video of the Grosbeaks we saw yesterday:
Monday – 10.8.2018
1:00 AM – We’re seeing some Rose Breasted Grosbeaks around the yard. The brownish yellow ones, with plenty of stripes, are females. The ones with black patches on their wings, and slightly rosy breasts, are immature males. We haven’t seen any adult males yet. It’s easy to recognize them, due to the vivid, distinct coloring.
Busy time at the feeder. The visitors include Carolina Chickadees, Tufted Titmouse, Cardinal, White Breasted Nuthatch and probably more that I missed.
Tuesday – 10.10.2017
3:56 AM – It rained most all of yesterday. Of course that didn’t keep the birds from the feeders. Here’s a Purple Finch discovering that the Squirrel Buster feeder is empty.
A few weeks ago we saw a bird we couldn’t identify. Since then we’ve been informed that it’s a female Rose-breasted Grosbeak. It matches the picture on the Cornell Labs website (our Bible of Birds). The Grosbeak is a migrator, and only seen around here on it’s way to and from Central and South America. Here’s a couple of videos of our sighting.
Sunday – 8.13.2017
12:29 AM – Retro-Sunday, videos from the archives.
Bruno, the neighbor dog. For a while he was jumping the fence every couple of days. We haven’t seen him too much this Summer. This video is from May 26, 2017.
The Rose-breasted Grosbeak hasn’t been here since they migrated through in May, when this video was taken. They’re an interesting looking bird.
We see them when they stop to refuel on their way between South/Central America and up north in the USA. Here’s a map of where they live, depending on season.
Map is from Cornell Labs All About Birds website.
Thursday – 6.1.2017
4:22 AM – Where are they now? These are some of the birds that visited for one day, or maybe a week, then flew off somewhere. Maybe they were migrating, and we’ll see them again in the Fall. Maybe they got a better offer at a Foodcourt down the block. Anyway, here are videos of their visits.
Indigo Bunting
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Easter Towhee
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Cedar Waxwing
Dark-eyed Junco
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Redwing Blackbird
And finally, our favorite, the Brown Headed Cowbirds
Thursday – 5.4.2017
12:41 AM – There’s a new bird in the feeders, the Rose-breasted Grosbeak. He’s evidently just passing through on his migration back north. He’s been sitting in the platform feeder off and on all day. This is really an attractive bird, too bad they’re not here for the summer.
Meanwhile, the young bluebirds have completely abandoned the platform feeder, but they’re still crowding the mealworm feeder.