Tag Archives: Red-Winged Blackbirds

Wednesday – 2.13.2019

1:00 AM – We had a flock of Red-winged Blackbirds come through a few days ago. Unfortunately, the camera battery went dead, so we didn’t get much video. However, here’s a couple of the Blackbirds – these are females, which have the stripes, with a sooty black undertone. There were some males, but none got on camera:

More of the Blackbirds, and a hungry Dove that got in the picture:

Thursday – 6.1.2017

4:22 AM – Where are they now? These are some of the birds that visited for one day, or maybe a week, then flew off somewhere. Maybe they were migrating, and we’ll see them again in the Fall. Maybe they got a better offer at a Foodcourt down the block. Anyway, here are videos of their visits.

Indigo Bunting

Rose-breasted Grosbeak


Easter Towhee

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Cedar Waxwing

Dark-eyed Junco

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Redwing Blackbird

And finally, our favorite, the Brown Headed Cowbirds

Tuesday – 2.7.2017

1:46 PM – It’s been raining a good part of the day. The platform feeder looks like a vat of birdseed soup. The birds seem to like it just fine. Here’s a few bedraggled Goldfinches snacking.

5:11 AM – The main camera on the deck was inside, getting it’s battery charged, but the other one caught this brief image of a ghostly raccoon checking to make sure the meal worm feeder wasn’t there. He (or she) is still not convinced the food court is closed at night. I’m pleased with the effectiveness of the pepper suet. All our suet from now on will be pepper suet.

### A few days ago the Redwing Blackbirds (along with the Cowbirds) flooded the back yard. Yesterday we had on Blackbird squatting in the platform feeder. He was there, continuously, for about a half hour – a long time in bird minutes. I don’t know where the rest of the crowd was. If the Blackbird becomes a permanent resident, I’d prefer just one or two, instead of the whole overwhelming flock.

### In this one, we’ve got a Purple Finch, Goldfinches and Sparrows, all feeding at the same time. They mostly get along, except for a few pecks back and forth.