1:00 AM – More Red-winged Blackbird videos, this one of some birds eating in a hurry:
The Brown-headed Cowbirds travel with the redwings:
A change from the Red-wings, here are some small birds getting along:
1:00 AM – More Red-winged Blackbird videos, this one of some birds eating in a hurry:
The Brown-headed Cowbirds travel with the redwings:
A change from the Red-wings, here are some small birds getting along:
1:00 AM — Lots of Red-winged Blackbird activity the last few days. We’re seeing small flocks instead of individuals. Here’s a big male checking out the surroundings:
Here’s that flock of Red-wings. They’re dominating the feeder.
Here’s a Blue Jay and a Red-wing:
1:00 AM – Hungry Red-winged Blackbird:
Unusual video of a Cardinal intimidating a Woodpecker. Of course, that one is a Downy, the smallest woodpecker. The Card might not have tried that with a Red-bellied Woodpecker:
Here’s some normal traffic on the rail. Mr. Cardinal gets the last peanut.
1:00 AM – This little Red-winged Blackbird went right for the camera, nobody knows why.
The mealworm feeder is back, and it’s getting it’s share of traffic. Here’s a nice looking Cardinal.
Squirrels are pests, but sometimes they’re cute:
1:00 AM – Blue Jays love peanuts. These two are stuffing them into their beaks as fast as they can.
Red-winged Blackbird (a female). Not sure how much longer these blackbirds will be around.
Why can’t we all just get along?
1:00 AM – One of the Red-winged Blackbirds in slow motion:
The Yellow Rumped Warblers are frequent visitors, but they don’t get much video time.
Titmouse and Chickadee – small frequent visitors that seem to get along fine, unlike the Cardinals, Doves, Finches and others:
1:00 AM – A brief video of a Crow. These birds really are black:
Regulars at the feeder, a Cardinal and Dark-eyed Junco:
This female Red-winged Blackbird is paying attention to surroundings – a good idea with all the cats:
1:00 AM – We don’t see many of these Bluebirds anymore, and that’s too bad.
We has some Brown Headed Cowbirds come through, not the big flock we’ve had in the past, but enough to cause this little jam up on the feeder:
Even more Cowbirds:
1:00 AM – We’ve been seeing a lot of the female Red-winged Blackbirds, but not many of the ‘breeding’ males. Here’s one we caught on camera. Notice how he runs off the male ‘non-breeding’ birds:
Here’s a few of the less colorful Red-wings, and a drab Dove:
And just to remind us that the world is a dangerous place for birds and other small creatures, here’s a prowling cat:
1:00 AM – Some Crows were in the neighborhood yesterday, and a few stopped by for a handout.
The Red-winged Blackbirds are small compared to the Crows.