Tag Archives: Purple Finches

Sunday – 1.28.2018

1:00 AM – One year ago today there was a lot going on in the Foodcourt. Here’s the webpage from that day:

Saturday – 1.28.2017

4:25 PM – It was windy today. The motion detectors on the cameras are sensitive enough to react to tree limbs and bushes moving around, so we got a lot of ‘false positives’ – videos with no birds in them. Actually, there weren’t that many birds around, at least not as many as usual. Here’s a Pine Warbler at the suet feeder:

And here’s a male and female Purple Finch at the platform feeder.

2:55 AM – The new Trail Cam caught ‘Rocky’ coming and going three times. Unfortunately, there’s about a two second delay in the camera starting to record, so we just see a glimpse of him coming up the path. We get a better view as he goes back home. Maybe his den is in the small thicket in the lower corner of the yard. This is more activity than I really expected, and I think we’re not seeing all of it. The last video shows him coming up the hill at 2:46 AM, but not coming down. I’m sure this trail isn’t the only path he uses.




Saturday – 1.20.2018

3:53 AM – Variety of birds on the cylinder feeder, including  Cardinal, Downy Woodpecker, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Mockingbird, Bluebird and Squirrel. Notice the squirrel giving up after a few bites. Pepper seed works, usually.

Plus one more cylinder bird, this one a Pine Warbler. He’s about the same color as some whole hard-boiled egg yolks I’ve seen.

Wednesday – 1.17.2018

3:36 AM – We put a kind of jury-rigged bird bath at the far end of the yard, hoping to capture videos of wild creatures at night. That’s a plastic gallon water jug cut down, with rocks to weigh it. Instead of exotic wild animals, our first customer was a standard variety Robin. We’ll see what we get at night.

This is about four minutes of various birds coming and going on the platform feeder. We have these birds coming and going and coming back again:  Cardinal, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Brown-headed Nuthatch, female Purple Finch,  Purple Finch and a Sparrow.


Wednesday – 1.3.2018

3:38 AM – The ever-popular cylinder feeder has had a lot of traffic. Here’s a Bluebird, Downy Woodpecker and (probably) a Purple Finch. Maybe a House Finch. Sometimes the red and purple look the same to me.

When the mealworm feeder is empty, the Bluebirds start to show up at the other feeders – as in the Seed Cylinder Birds video above. Here’s some more recordings of Bluebirds eating seeds and other non-mealworm food. When we filled the worm feeder, the Bluebirds all moved over to it.

Tuesday – 12.12.2017

1:39 AM – Birds drinking – a Bluebird, Yellow Warbler and Robin.

Typical traffic on the Squirrel Buster. The Purple Finch is pushing everyone around, though he gets some kickback from a Sparrow or two.

First in a series of Bluebirds Behaving Badly. We have a number of these clips of juvenile Bluebirds terrorizing the other birds. In this one, a young Bluebird takes on a Dove twice his size, runs him off, then looks around for more victims.

Thursday – 11.23.2017

4:37 AM – We’re seeing more Mockingbirds this Fall – or maybe the same few Mockingbirds a lot more frequently. As seen here, he’s a fan of the platform feeder and the birdbath. He also likes mealworms, puppies and long walks in the rain. Maybe not those last two.

Archive footage (November 2016) of birds peacefully at the birdbath.  There are Bluebirds, Purple Finches, Cardinal and Sparrows.