1:00 AM – Cardinal on the nugget feeder
Finches and Sparrow sharing:
1:00 AM – Cardinal on the nugget feeder
Finches and Sparrow sharing:
1:00 AM – This Dove wants it all for himself.
That irritable Purple Finch from yesterday goes after some Cardinals.
1:00 AM – Another of the Yellow-rumped Warblers. We have three kinds of Warblers – the Yellow-rumped, the Pine and the Yellow Warbler. The Pine Warbler is most common.
Here’s a persistent Pine Warbler, along with an irritable Purple Finch;
1:00 AM – Short clip of Downy Woodpecker on the new Seed Bar.
Aggressive Purple Finch attacks an innocent Cardinal.
1:00 AM – It was a busy time at the platform feeder yesterday. Plenty of Pine Warblers and Cardinals hogging it up at the feeder:
1:00 AM – The busy lives of Finches:
Here’s that cat that jumped up on the rail last week.
1:00 AM – Here’s a Purple Finch that’s not having a good day.
Heavy traffic on the finch socks. Most of the birds are actually Pine Warblers, not Finches.
1:00 AM – The finch sock has been very popular lately.
The bird with unusual markings (light colored head) might be a Pine Warbler of some kind, but we couldn’t find anything at the Cornell site helping us identify it.
1:00 AM – Lots of hungry birds in the yard:
More of the Dark-eyed Junco and his dining buddies. Note the Cardinal with his crest up. One of the other males must have been in the vicinity.
1:00 AM – Dark-eyed Junco and friends:
Plenty of Woodpeckers around. Here’s another video of a Downy.