1:00 AM – Eastern Towhee ground feeding. I like the hopping ‘scratch dance’ Towhees do.
Lots of Possum activity these days.
1:00 AM – Eastern Towhee ground feeding. I like the hopping ‘scratch dance’ Towhees do.
Lots of Possum activity these days.
1:00 AM – We relocated the cylinder feeder further out in the yard. So far, we’ve seen a lot of Finch and Chickadee activity:
Mazy dining in elegance:
A possum like fine things too:
1:00 AM – Bruno visits!
Marsupial friend visits:
Carolina Wren:
1:00 AM – Midnight Possum returns:
After the Finch in the foreground gets a drink and flies away, you can see Finches and a Cardinal squabbling on the feeder.
1:00 AM – Vague shadowy image of a visiting possum. The Ground Cam wasn’t quite pointed in the right position to catch a closeup.
Another cat coming up the trail.
Last, a female Eastern Towhee scratching up some seed.
1:00 AM – Midnight Cams catch this possum cruising around the yard.
Disappointed Puppy. We took down the Mazy wading pool temporarily.
1:00 AM – That scruffy cat is back at the watering hole (Mazy’s pool).
Midnight possum!
I never get tired of a Mazy Wallow.
1:00 AM – Possum shows up on the Trail Cam, as well as an unexpected glimpse of a creepy alien invader.
The platform feeder is back, and so are the Cardinals, and the Tufted Titmice.
3:49 AM – New visitor to the Backyard Foodcourt: a possum. I’ve been waiting for one to turn up. This one makes a tour of the feeders and birdbaths, tasting the suet. But it’s pepper suet, so he moves right along. I’m glad he visited, but I hope he doesn’t come back (like that will happen).
Bluebirds at the water trough. Looks like the gang decided to go out for a drink after work, or something.
Downy Woodpecker making his mark on the suet cake, their preferred backyard feeder food. The Downy’s are small birds, not much bigger than the Nuthatches and Chickadees. They’re permanent residents (non-migratory), and can be found over most of the United States and parts of Canada.
5:23 AM – This is our first sighting of the juvenile House Finch. Of course, this is our first year in business as the Backyard Foodcourt, so we’re seeing a lot for the first time. These little guys are fuzzy and awkward, bumbling around the platform feeder. We like the stripes all over them. In this video, they meet a Cardinal, briefly, and then a Mourning Dove, who breaks up their party.
The Eastern Towhee is still around.
What’s this? A raccoo, or a cat? Or maybe a possum? The shape of the head says it’s not a cat, and the skinny tail doesn’t look much like a raccoon tail. Might be a possum, but I haven’t seen one around here, ever. I’m sure they are there, I just haven’t seen one.