2:03 AM – Sometimes I have trouble distinguishing between the American Goldfinch, the Pine Warbler and the Yellow Warbler. The video below shows a Pine Warbler. The on-line experts give us these identifiers to look for: The bills of the Warblers are longer and thinner than that of the Goldfinch – the latter has a beak that looks more like a Cardinals. The Warbler’s feathers are not brightly colored, usually greenish-yellow . Goldfinches have lots of black on the wings and tail, and the wing bars are white. The Pine Warbler has bars on the wings. Warblers have streaks (sometimes faint reddish) on the breast and belly. Goldfinches hang out in flocks, while Warblers are usually solitary. And the YelllowWarblers are migrators, we see them passing through, but the Goldfinches are here for the winter. The Pine Warblers are here all year.
Brown Thrasher getting a drink.