And this is an immature Robin. It lacks the distinctive white marking around the eye, but I found pictures of young Robins that have the same mottled breast and incomplete eye markings.
1:00 AM – We saw Cardinals on the cylinder feeder several times today. Not sure why, since they usually stick to the platform. But every now and then they show up here, or on the mealworm feeder. Maybe they just like to go out to dinner every now and then.
Short video of a Pine Warbler on the mealworm feeder:
Another video of a busy Chickadee on the cylinder feeder.
The Eastern Phoebe’s stick to the mealworm feeder, pretty much. And, we only see them every now and then, unlike the Bluebirds, Cardinals etc. So, here’s a couple of short videos.
Here’s a Pine Warbler. It looks a lot like the Yellow Warbler, except for the distinctive markings on the wings.