Tag Archives: Northern Mockingbird

Thursday – 11.23.2017

4:37 AM – We’re seeing more Mockingbirds this Fall – or maybe the same few Mockingbirds a lot more frequently. As seen here, he’s a fan of the platform feeder and the birdbath. He also likes mealworms, puppies and long walks in the rain. Maybe not those last two.

Archive footage (November 2016) of birds peacefully at the birdbath.  There are Bluebirds, Purple Finches, Cardinal and Sparrows.

Monday – 11.13.2017

1:46 AM  – We moved feeders and cameras around, trying to get a new variety of birds. We’re not sure how that will work out, but with the camera back on the mealworm feeder we’re getting lots of videos of Bluebirds. Here’s a sample of the activity at the high traffic feeder.

It’s not just Bluebirds. Here’s a Carolina Wren and a nice Mockingbird taking their turn at the trough.

Thursday – 11.9.2017

4:14 AM – The deck platform feeder is back. We took it down because it attracted too many doves. So far, it’s been mainly Cardinals using it, along with this  Mockingbird. I like the Cardinal sneaking up behind him.

This fat Cardinal is doing what Cardinals always do: Eating sunflower seeds and chasing smaller birds away. Nature in action.

Friday – 5.19.2017

4:57 AM – The Cardinals are still the most frequent visitors, in spite of the recent Blue Jay activity. They start eating early, and are usually the last ones we see on camera at the end of the day. Here’s some general Cardinal eating, drinking, bathing, making territorial displays etc.

This one started as an illustration of the size difference between the Mockingbird and others – the point being that the Mockingbird is bigger than I thought. But the video doesn’t really do a good job of showing that. I’m posting it anyway because 1) it’s done and ready, and 2) it’s got cool ‘freeze frame’ technique. These videos are done with iMovie. I’m still learning the software. Next on my list is split screen shots.

Nothing new about a squirrel hogging the feeder, but I liked these shots of a small one (presumably one of the crop born this year) helping himself.

Thursday – 5.18.2017

3:03 AM – These two Carolina Chickadees (assuming it’s the same two) have been hanging around together for the last few days. At the suet feeder they appear to be sharing food, like the Cardinals a month or so ago. Either that or they’re fighting, but I don’t think so. In the second part of the video they’re together at the mealworm feeder. We’ve only see the bluebirds share like this at that feeder.

A couple of videos of the suet feeder – the mockingbird is now a regular, but the Blue Jay is a rare sight here.

Monday – 5.15.2017

5:02 AM – Yesterday was an ordinary day at the Foodcourt. Here’s a few birds at the suet feeder, including that Mockingbird we were looking for yesterday. He’s followed by the Red-bellied Woodpecker and an acrobatic White Breasted Nuthatch.

Ordinary day with Cardinals at the platform feeder. A sluggish looking Mourning Dove shares the feeder with Mr. Cardinal for a bit.

Finally, an ordinary night with a cat prowling around.

Saturday – 5.13.2017

2:39 AM – The Mockingbird, an infrequent visitor, helps himself (or herself) at the suet feeder. I can’t tell if it’s the same bird in all of the clips – in one of them, it looks smaller, and so might be female or immature.

These days we don’t see the bluebird boys in the platform feeder very often, but here’s one.

The unsung, un-celebrated sparrow is a constant visitor to the platform feeder, but rarely featured in videos. I think this one is a Chipping Sparrow. So, here he is: