1:00 AM – Blue Jay snacking.
Another of our Indigo Bunting videos.
A Mockingbird on the mealworm feeder.
1:00 AM – Blue Jay snacking.
Another of our Indigo Bunting videos.
A Mockingbird on the mealworm feeder.
1:00 AM – Indigo Bunting and a Finch on the Squirrel Buster feeder. The Bunting keeps trying to run off the Finch, but the Finch keeps coming back. It turns into a game of bird hide and seek.
Here’s a close up of a Mockingbird on the mealworm feeder:
In this one we have the Bunting and a pair of Cardinals at the same time, in different feeders.
1:00 AM – Mockingbird on the meal worm feeder.
Cardinal, who is everywhere at every feeder, snacks at the cylinder.
1:00 AM – A montage of mealworm feeders, starting with a Red-bellied Woodpecker, and ending with an Eastern Phoebe.
One more mealworm fan – the Northern Mockingbird.
1:00 AM – A nice variety of traffic on the platform. Red-bellied Woodpecker and Cardinal, then a Blue Jay, all nice big colorful birds.
Here’s the large and small on the compressed seed cylinder. A Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and a Carolina Chickadee.
Mockingbird having a mealworm snack.
1:00 AM – We’ll start with this Mockingbird scattering the Bluebirds on the mealworm feeder. The Mockingbird is a regular visitor to the worm feeder. We see many different kind of birds eating mealworms, some more often than others.
Cardinal and Bluebird eyeing each other on the mealworm feeder. I like the way the Cardinal peaks around the feeder.
Finally, this Bluebird is included because he’s so intensely blue.
1:00 AM – The flood of Finches has slowed somewhat, though there are still plenty around. In the slow times between Finch surges the local birds come out for something to eat. In this clip, a sequence of brief appearances by the year-round residents. At the end, of course, another Finch Flood.
We like the Brown Thrashers, especially the yellow eyes.
1:00 AM – Looks like the Finches have gone off somewhere else, maybe back up north, maybe just over to Hoover. One way or another it’s a lot quieter around here. But not near as exciting. We’ll continue with non-Finch videos until, possibly, the Brown Headed Cowbirds come through.
Another Bluebird, this one with a single Finch. The Finch restrains himself from attacking until the Bluebird leaves, then goes for any other Finch that lands. That’s just how it is.
1:00 AM – Red-bellied Woodpecker seems to have trouble making up his mind where to stab his beak next. Finally, he decides to go low.
Bluebird and Mockingbird drinking. Unfortunately, no drama today, but here they are anyway,
3:53 AM – Variety of birds on the cylinder feeder, including Cardinal, Downy Woodpecker, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Mockingbird, Bluebird and Squirrel. Notice the squirrel giving up after a few bites. Pepper seed works, usually.
Plus one more cylinder bird, this one a Pine Warbler. He’s about the same color as some whole hard-boiled egg yolks I’ve seen.