1:00 AM – There are still a few of the Red-winged Blackbirds around, mostly the females or non-breeding males:
And here, ‘sharing’ with Doves:
1:00 AM – There are still a few of the Red-winged Blackbirds around, mostly the females or non-breeding males:
And here, ‘sharing’ with Doves:
1:00 AM – Dark-eyed Junco and a Dove:
Brief video of Tufted Titmouse pecking the camera, who know why.
Pine Warblers and a Purple Finch:
1:00 AM – Cardinal on the rail:
Pine Warbler and a Dove:
More Blue Jays on the rail. The peanuts are really bringing them out.
1:00 AM – We had a flock of Red-winged Blackbirds come through a few days ago. Unfortunately, the camera battery went dead, so we didn’t get much video. However, here’s a couple of the Blackbirds – these are females, which have the stripes, with a sooty black undertone. There were some males, but none got on camera:
More of the Blackbirds, and a hungry Dove that got in the picture:
1:00 AM – Finches and Cowbirds pecking. Sometimes we can’t just all get along.
Lots of birds having lunch:
1:00 AM – Flock of Purple Finches ignoring a Dove. The Finches are very aggressive lately. There’s a Cowbird in there, too.
Hungry Warblers:
1:00 AM – Continuing with the Cowbirds, here we have them intimidating a Dove. I’m glad to see the Dove get some of it’s own medicine.
This little Finch isn’t so timid:
1:00 AM – This Dove wants it all for himself.
That irritable Purple Finch from yesterday goes after some Cardinals.
1:00 AM – A small Downy Woodpecker:
Busy day at the feeder:
1:00 AM – A Goldfinch and Dove share the feeder:
Just some more birds: