Tag Archives: Mourning Dove

Friday – 3.24.2017

8:22 AM – The American Robins showed up on the deck this morning. We’ve seen them on the front lawn recently, but this is their first appearance at the feeders for a while. In this video, two robins approach the platform feeder, but a Mourning Dove is hogging it. In the second video, one of the robins takes a bath.

Below, robin bathing:

1:05 AM – For about an hour yesterday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal came and went at the platform feeder. We watched – but the camera didn’t record – Mr. Cardinal feeding Mrs. C. The camera is set to record for 1 minute – the feeding took place at about 1 minute 5 seconds. We did get lots of video of them landing on the feeder, staying 5 or 10 seconds, then flying off, only to return. Here’s Mr. Cardinal waiting for Mrs.

Just when we thought the Purple Finches were gone, this lone male shows up. Don’t know where all the flocks of them went. Maybe they got a better offer at a backyard feeding station down the block.

That suet feeder is looking pretty gnawed up. Here’s a Brown Headed Nuthatch doing his part.

Thursday – 3.23.2017

7:40 AM – The finches – both the Purple and Goldfinches – seem to have moved on. I spotted a couple of female Purples on the suet feeder the other day, but the clouds of them that dominated the platform feeder are gone. Instead, we have Mourning Doves, sparrows and squirrels. Plus, of course, the Cardinals.

This is the squirrel with piece bitten out of his ear. He’s a frequent visitor.

Sunday – 1.22.2017

3:15 PM – The rain filled the deck platform feeder with water. It covered up the small seeds the Sparrows eat, resulting in some disappointed birds:

However, the black oil sunflower seeds preferred by the Cardinals floats. He experienced no interruption in service due to weather.

This Mourning Dove has a big enough beak to get whatever he wants out of the water.


10:25 AM – Plenty of White Throated Sparrows this morning. They moved on and some Purple Finches took over. It’s interesting to watch the interaction between the male and female Finches. The male drives off one female, but allows another to stay in the feeder. His mate?

In the following clip, immediately afterwards, the male and female couple are sharing the feeder. When another female approaches, the male again drives her off.

In subsequent clips, the female finch drives off other females. I conclude that the male and female Finches are a couple, and have higher status than the ‘single’ females that approach the feeder. Or maybe not. One thing is clear, Mr. and Mrs. Purple Finch don’t like to share.


12:50 AM – The cat that visits periodically came around a while ago, looking for nuts. We took in the deck platform feeder so as not to attract ‘Rocky’ Raccoon, so he had no luck. I’d put out food for the animal but I don’t want him there all the time, and don’t want all the other cats, raccons and possums that would follow him.

Wednesday – 1.11.2017

1:00 AM – Since the new platform feeder went up there’s a lot of activity on the deck. Here are some videos of typical bird action. The squirrels haven’t visited the new feeder yet. That will be interesting to watch.

Lots of Purple Finches, and one White Throated Sparrow:

Cardinal and Finch – the Finch isn’t intimidated by the bigger bird:

Pigeon (Mourning Dove) swilling non-stop:

Purple Finch runs off the other birds:

Bird Videos – Lots of Them – BUT NOT REALLY

A number of videos we took at the beginning of this project will not display due to the uncertainty of the Word Press storage system. We did some research but couldn’t find a solution, so we are reposting them, one and two at a time, starting in November 2017. They will be the bonus ‘Retro’ videos displayed after the current bird and critter activity.