8:22 AM – The American Robins showed up on the deck this morning. We’ve seen them on the front lawn recently, but this is their first appearance at the feeders for a while. In this video, two robins approach the platform feeder, but a Mourning Dove is hogging it. In the second video, one of the robins takes a bath.
Below, robin bathing:
1:05 AM – For about an hour yesterday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal came and went at the platform feeder. We watched – but the camera didn’t record – Mr. Cardinal feeding Mrs. C. The camera is set to record for 1 minute – the feeding took place at about 1 minute 5 seconds. We did get lots of video of them landing on the feeder, staying 5 or 10 seconds, then flying off, only to return. Here’s Mr. Cardinal waiting for Mrs.
Just when we thought the Purple Finches were gone, this lone male shows up. Don’t know where all the flocks of them went. Maybe they got a better offer at a backyard feeding station down the block.
That suet feeder is looking pretty gnawed up. Here’s a Brown Headed Nuthatch doing his part.