1:00 AM – Check out the ears on this little squirrel.
Mockingbird is still around:
Mrs. Cardinal continues her unusual behavior. Why is her beak open?
1:00 AM – Check out the ears on this little squirrel.
Mockingbird is still around:
Mrs. Cardinal continues her unusual behavior. Why is her beak open?
1:00 AM – Downy Woodpecker looking for mealworms in the empty feeder. He’s not the only bird to do this. Time to fill it up with worms.
Mockingbird in the days before the feeder was empty.
A Chickadee and Purple Finch get a drink of water. Now that we have no platform feeders up, most of the rail action is in the birdbath. And of course in the Squirrel Buster next to it.
1:00 AM – These Carolina Wrens can become aggessive:
The Downy Woodpeckers really like mealworms:
And so do Mockingbirds:
1:00 AM – Mealworms are very popular with the Carolina Wrens:
Mockingbirds are now showing up. Like the Bluebird, they prefer mealworms:
A number of videos we took at the beginning of this project will not display due to the uncertainty of the Word Press storage system. We did some research but couldn’t find a solution, so we are reposting them, one and two at a time, starting in November 2017. They will be the bonus ‘Retro’ videos displayed after the current bird and critter activity.