1:00 AM – Finch and Chickadee taking turns on the cylinder feeder:
If you ever wondered what Mazy does after a wallow, now you know.
1:00 AM – Finch and Chickadee taking turns on the cylinder feeder:
If you ever wondered what Mazy does after a wallow, now you know.
1:00 AM – Tufted Titmouse and Chickadee squabbling on the cylinder feeder:
A couple of ground feeders – Eastern Towhee and Finch.
1:00 AM – We relocated the cylinder feeder further out in the yard. So far, we’ve seen a lot of Finch and Chickadee activity:
Mazy dining in elegance:
A possum like fine things too:
1:00 AM – Young Cardinal goes for peanuts.
Here’s the Eastern Towhee version of a bird going for peanuts:
House finch:
1:00 AM – Midnight Possum returns:
After the Finch in the foreground gets a drink and flies away, you can see Finches and a Cardinal squabbling on the feeder.
1:00 AM – Dove bathing. As he’s getting into the water, he seems to peck at it. No one knows why.
A Squirrel, caught on the Ground Cam, eating peanuts that D generously set out for the critters.
A Dove with Finches in the background on the feeder.
1:00 AM – Video from the Tree Cam of two Finches feeding and squabbling.
Cardinal drinks while Finches feed in the background. Something for everyone.
One more Eastern Towhee video:
1:00 AM – Here’s a Squirrel foraging under the hanging feeder. We get Squirrels at this location, but not as many as we had hanging around the platform feeder on the deck.
Finch eating. She’s got a powerful beak.
Another video of the current crop of Eastern Towhees.
1:00 AM – Another drinking House Finch, this one female.
These are Eastern Towhees, a bird we haven’t seen for quite a while. At first I thought it was a Robin, but the markings are different. The Robins have a white ring around the eyes, among other differences.
This is the result of an experiment – we velcroed a regular camera to the deck rail and put some peanuts in front of it. Then, we turned on the camera video capture. It ran for 26 minutes, and didn’t pick up as much activity as we wanted. After editing, you’ll see a Chickadee, a Squirrel (who gets a long drink, then moseys down to the nuts) and a Titmouse. Maybe next time we’ll get more action.
1:00 AM – A couple of trail walkers:
House Finch drinking:
Another cat video, in this case, a hungry one eating the bird/squirrel peanuts.