Tag Archives: Ground Squirrel

Friday – 5.10.2019

1:00 AM – We don’t get many visits from Ground Squirrels up on the rail feeders. This one is very wary. When he hear/sees/senses some threat he freezes, and stays that way:

It’s true that the early bird gets the worm, in this case, a Cardinal at 4:00AM and some mealworms:

More mealworm feeder action – a Chickadee isn’t intimidated by the Cardinal:

Monday – 7.16.2018

1:00 AM – Our Yard Cam was knocked to the ground by a marauding squirrel, knocking the color balance out of whack. Still, these are interesting videos of ground feeding birds, in lovely pink.

Ground Squirrel on the Trail Cam. We’re going to have to move this camera – it’s just too dark at that location.