Tag Archives: Goldfinches

Tuesday – 12.11.2018

1:00 AM – Here’s a break from the Goldfinch invasion, a kind of odd video of an immature Purple Finch soliciting food from a male Cardinal. The Cardinal goes along with it. I read about this, but have never seen it.

As long as we’re looking at Cardinals, here are three of the four males we have in the yard. I suppose they’re lined up in pecking order, with the top male getting to sit in the feeder, while the others wait.

Now, back to the Goldfinches.

Monday – 12.10.2018

1:00 AM – The Goldfinches have arrived. There’s a flock of at least six or seven on the ‘finch sock’ and in the platform feeder. It’s nice to see the sock being used – I noticed one Purple Finch on it.

More Finches, and a Cardinal

More Goldfinches and another Cardinal. It was a very busy day, in spite of rain.

Friday – 7.6.2018

1:00 AM – The Trail Cam catches a couple of squirrels on the path. Looks like it could possibly be a Squirrel Courting situation.

Another Goldfinch on the birdbath. They’re still here, even though the Internet says they migrate.

Here’s a female House Finch (or Purple Finch, I’m not sure which), and a couple of Cardinals. (A squirrel tilted the camera early that day. )