Tag Archives: Crows

Sunday – 4.19.2020

1:00 AM – Usually we have a Sunday-Retro!!, but we’ve had so many old videos recently – and we have plenty of Bolton material – so here are three current bird-movies. First, a Crow video:

Now Mr. Cardinal. It turns out there are at least two families, on that lives in a tree in our yard, another that probably comes from the woods behind us. We’ve seen our Mr. C running off the interloper – unfortunately not in this video. Here he’s just hogging it up.

Finally, a Chickadee, the cutest of all birds:

Saturday – 4.18.2020

1:00 AM – We saw a video of Mrs. Cardinal sitting while she snacked. Here’s Mr. Cardinal doing the same thing. The Pow Wow Cardinals didn’t do this, but it seems to be the custom with the Bolton Cards.

Our regular Crow looking for something to eat, but there’s not much there. The Foodcourt is becoming very popular.

The Blue Grosbeak hasn’t been around for a few days. This is from his first day. Hopefully he’s a resident, and not just passing through.

Friday – 4.10.2020

1:00 AM – We’ve got Columbiana Cardinals here. They’ve discovered the feeding rail, but oddly enough only the male Card is showing up. He’s a bright bird, nice contrast to the really, really black Crows.

More Crow video. These guys are fun to watch fly – they’re big, much bigger than any Pow Wow bird. Here’s one spearing seeds with the big evil looking beak.

Thursday – 4.9.2020

1:00 AM – We’re seeing traffic at the feeders (deck rail) pick up. Here’s a Carolina Wren. We’ve seen her before, building a nest in the gutter.

The Crows are at the trough several times a day now. Haven’t seen the Cowbird for a few days.

Wednesday – 4.8.2020

1:00 AM – We’re seeing more birds now, though it’s still mainly Crows. And it sure is Crows, not Cowbirds. Here’s a video that make clear the difference. The Crows are larger, blacker and much more dangerous looking than the Cowbird, even though they’re the same bird species:

Here’s a nicer bird – our first Tufted Titmouse: