1:00 AM – And, we’re back. We should be able to generate some new videos now. We’ll start with this one of a Dark-eyed Junco, placidly sharing the feeder with a finch of some kind. The immature/female Purple Finch and House Finch look pretty much the same to me.
Here’s a short video of the birdbath with the finch sock in the background. The sock has been very busy for a few weeks now. At the end of this clip some Cedar Waxwings show up for water. This is the first we’ve see of the migrators.
1:00 AM – This is our first sighting of a Cedar Waxwing this year. It’s just one bird. Last year the Waxwings came in force, in April, so maybe this one is just a stray.
7:40 AM – There’s not much going on today, just the regulars.For a change of pace, here’s a video experiment. In order, the birds are sparrows, finches and sparrows, Brown Headed Cowbirds and Cedar Waxwings.
Back to normal – just a Red-bellied Woodpecker and a bluebird grazing the mealworm feeder. Notice the woodpecker flying off with a big mouthful of worms.
4:22 AM – Where are they now? These are some of the birds that visited for one day, or maybe a week, then flew off somewhere. Maybe they were migrating, and we’ll see them again in the Fall. Maybe they got a better offer at a Foodcourt down the block. Anyway, here are videos of their visits.
Indigo Bunting
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Easter Towhee
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Cedar Waxwing
Dark-eyed Junco
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Redwing Blackbird
And finally, our favorite, the Brown Headed Cowbirds
12:23 AM – A flock of Cedar Waxwings swarmed the two birdbaths yesterday. I’ve never seen one live and in person. I think they came by 3 or 4 times in the morning. Presumably they went off to feed somewhere else, as they didn’t hit any of the feeders.
Nice closeup of the Cardinals sharing. They have been doing this frequently the last few days.