1:00 AM – More video of the Red-winged Blackbirds, this one a big male among the females.
Blue Jay on the rail:
Night cat hunting:
1:00 AM – More video of the Red-winged Blackbirds, this one a big male among the females.
Blue Jay on the rail:
Night cat hunting:
1:00 AM – We’ve been seeing a lot of the female Red-winged Blackbirds, but not many of the ‘breeding’ males. Here’s one we caught on camera. Notice how he runs off the male ‘non-breeding’ birds:
Here’s a few of the less colorful Red-wings, and a drab Dove:
And just to remind us that the world is a dangerous place for birds and other small creatures, here’s a prowling cat:
1:00 AM – The busy lives of Finches:
Here’s that cat that jumped up on the rail last week.
1:00 AM – Cardinal and Pine Warbler:
One of the pack of local cats:
1:00 AM – Pathetic squirrel finds the water bowl completely dry. We filled it shortly after this.
Cat hunting at night.
1:00 AM – This big cat looks like the one we’ve been seeing recently, but it looks bigger. New cat, or old one?
It would be nice if this is the One-Eared Squirrel from previous videos. It might be. But it might be another unfortunate victim of Squirrel Wars. Anyway, here he is, getting a drink of water.
1:00 AM – That gray cat again, this time lounging around on a rock.
A couple of male Cardinals around the bird bath. There’s a lot of other birds hanging around the rail, where D puts out peanuts.
1:00 AM – The big gray cat has been around quite a bit. Here he’s getting a drink of water:
Here’s a Tufted Titmouse, and other birds.
1:00 AM – A couple of cats on the trail. The gray one is a newcomer.
A Chickadee and a Sparrow, with the inevitable Finch at the end.
1:00 AM – Thirsty cat doesn’t mind the dirty water.
Finch and a Chickadee share the Squirrel Buster.