1:00 AM – Carolina Wrens on the cylinder feeder. This video was taken with the Nikon Coolpix camera, instead of the Arlo security cams. The difference in quality is obvious, though my shaking camera work doesn’t help. Next time, we’ll use a tripod.
Cardinals, Blue Jays and Finches alternating turns on the platform feeder. It’s nice to see cooperation, but a good bird dustup would have been more interesting.
1:00 AM – Here’s how smaller birds can eat at the compressed seed cylinder. This Carolina Wren doesn’t have any problem getting to the food. A Chickadee could probably squeeze all the way inside. That’s not really a good idea, so we’re going to retire this cylinder to the platform, and install a new one.
More video of the Blue Jays on the platform feeder. They’re storing seed in their gullets, as opposed to eating. Maybe there’s some nesting going on.
Another video of a Downy Woodpecker, this one a particularly vigorous eater.
1:00 AM – We’ve got two more cameras working, so we’re able to capture video of the mealworm feeder again. Here’s a random selection of mealworm fans – in order of appearance: Bluebird, Carolina Chickadee, Carolina Wren and Yellow-rumped Warbler.
Normal traffic on the platform feeder. We’ve got a Red-bellied Woodpecker getting some peanuts, some Purple Finches, male and female, and a Dove.
3:30 AM – Our ‘wilderness cam’ hasn’t caught anything exciting yet, but we did get this Carolina Wren picking at the inside of a hickory nut. If we don’t feed them, they will no doubt find food on their own. You have to look close – the Wren blends in to the leaves perfectly.
Close up of a Red-bellied Woodpecker on the cylinder feeder.
4:27 AM – As mentioned before, peanuts are very popular, particularly in freezing weather. Here are a couple of montage videos of heavy traffic on the platform feeder.
In the first clip (in order of appearance) we have a Bluebird, male Cardinal, Brown-headed Nuthatch, White Breasted Nuthatch, female Cardinal.
Second clip has a Tufted Titmouse, Carolina Wren, Sparrows and a Dark-eyed Junco.
2:52 AM – Special ‘snow storm’ video. In the aftermath snow filled the platform feeder. This is funny – Mrs. Cardinal is baffled, but unexpectedly, a Brown Thrasher comes along and…
Earlier this week we showed a video of hungry birds waiting at the empty mealworm feeder. D filled the feeder, and everything got back to normal. Here’s some of the regulars, one after another.
We’ve got plenty of White Breasted Nuthatches, but the Brown Headed variety – seen here on the Squirrel Buster – is relatively rare in our yard.
3:01 AM – The mealworm feeder is empty, and the birds don’t like it. In order of appearance: Mockingbird, Bluebird, Eastern Phoebe, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Chickadee and Carolina Wren.
Earlier, when the feeder was full, this Pine Warbler eats some mealworms, then takes one away. We assume that means a nest somewhere, with mate and possibly chicks.