Tag Archives: Carolina Chickadees

Saturday – 7.21.2018

1:00 AM – A Nuthatch and Chickadee on the Squirrel Buster in it’s new location. The Nuthatch is the bird on the right, without the black cap markings covering his eyes.

Most of the traffic at the birdbath these days is Squirrels and Doves. We don’t know where the other birds went, there was a much greater variety last summer. Was it something we said?

We did have a visit from a House Finch on the new Squirrel Buster location. Maybe a Purple Finch. Colors are hard.

Wednesday – 6.20.2018

1:00 AM – Goldfinch, probably a female, or a non-breeding male. This bird doesn’t have the black head markings of the breeding male, but it’s not as drab as the non-breeders are supposed to be. The ‘finch’ beak, which looks like a smaller version of the Cardinal beak, isn’t found on the Warblers – which resemble the Goldfinches. Not sure what it is, but I’ll call it a female, or possibly a non-breeding male.

Tufted Titmouse and Chickadee on the Squirrel Buster. These guys, along with the Cardinals (and Squirrels) are the most common visitors.

One more of Mazy chilling out in the pool,