1:00 AM – Brown Thrasher manages an underwater meal. Then we have the Chickadee and ever-present Cardinal.
Here’s a Dove and Cardinal sharing the platform feeder. We put the green mesh one up again – the birds seem to prefer it.
1:00 AM – Brown Thrasher manages an underwater meal. Then we have the Chickadee and ever-present Cardinal.
Here’s a Dove and Cardinal sharing the platform feeder. We put the green mesh one up again – the birds seem to prefer it.
1:00 AM – In the first part of this video, this Carolina Chickadee is enthusiastically eating. In the second part, he’s plucking mealworms out of the feeder and throwing them down to the ground. I don’t think there was a Chickadee down there, so why he’s doing it is a mystery.
Very short video of a Downy Woodpecker on the mealworm feeder:
1:00 AM – Typical feeding time at the Squirrel Buster:
Finch bathing;
1:00 AM – This selfish Finch insists on having the feeder to herself:
But when she runs into a Carolina Wren, she meets her match.
1:00 AM – We’re seeing some Rose Breasted Grosbeaks around the yard. The brownish yellow ones, with plenty of stripes, are females. The ones with black patches on their wings, and slightly rosy breasts, are immature males. We haven’t seen any adult males yet. It’s easy to recognize them, due to the vivid, distinct coloring.
Busy time at the feeder. The visitors include Carolina Chickadees, Tufted Titmouse, Cardinal, White Breasted Nuthatch and probably more that I missed.
1:00 AM – The big gray cat has been around quite a bit. Here he’s getting a drink of water:
Here’s a Tufted Titmouse, and other birds.
1:00 AM – A couple of the ever-present Finches, in this case one large and fluffy, and one small and sleek (kind of).
Busy day on the feeder, starting with a Carolina Chickadee, followed by a Titmouse, then some Purple Finches and more Chickadees.
1:00 AM – A couple of cats on the trail. The gray one is a newcomer.
A Chickadee and a Sparrow, with the inevitable Finch at the end.
1:00 AM – Pathetic Chickadee can’t reach the water for a drink out of our new Blue Birdbath.
Here’s a Finch – we seem to get mostly Finches on the feeders these days – eating breakfast and meditation.
1:00 AM – Male Purple Finch on the ‘Tree Feeder’
Chickadee and Cardinal getting a drink at our new Blue Bowl.