Tag Archives: Cardinals

Monday – 1.16.2017

9:50 AM – The chopped nuts D puts out are certainly the most popular item, at least with some species. Here’s a one clip (of many) of a Blue Jay wolfing down one.

Mr. Cardinal clears the feeder of White Throated Sparrows. He seems to prefer the Black Oil Sunflower seeds to the chopped nuts.

I’m not sure what species is most numerous in the yard, but it’s probably between the Finches and the Sparrows. Here’s some White Throated Sparrows hogging the feeder:

The camera only caught the head of a woodpecker – probably a Red-Bellied Woodpecker – but you can see a good shot of the very impressive beak. He looks like he could give you a good stabbing.

Thursday – 1.12.2016

2:20 PM – It’s a lot warmer, up into the 70’s, but the birds are still eating like it’s below freezing – that is to say, a lot. Here’s a Purple Finch and a Cardinal at the lunch counter:

These Cardinals have really strong beaks. Here’s a video of a male making short work of sunflower seeds:

And finally, a couple of really hungry Finches:


Wednesday – 1.11.2017

1:00 AM – Since the new platform feeder went up there’s a lot of activity on the deck. Here are some videos of typical bird action. The squirrels haven’t visited the new feeder yet. That will be interesting to watch.

Lots of Purple Finches, and one White Throated Sparrow:

Cardinal and Finch – the Finch isn’t intimidated by the bigger bird:

Pigeon (Mourning Dove) swilling non-stop:

Purple Finch runs off the other birds:

Tuesday – 1.3.2017

3:25 PM – The last few days have been quite rainy, so the traffic at the birdbaths was down to zero. I guess no need to fly over to the food court for a drink if there’s water dripping all around you. And you can bath by flying around in the rain. The feeders, however, were busy.

Today it’s drier, so we’e seeing some birds. Here’s Mrs. Cardinal taking a bath.


Friday – 12.30.2016

9:00 AM – Lot more birds today. We’ve had the Purple Finches, White Throated Sparrow, Tufted Titmouse and Cardinals, in other words, the usual crowd. The Cardinal is the male that was injured. You can see the gash on his neck. He’s joined in this video by one of the Bluebirds.

8:15 AM – Activity at the birdbaths so far this morning:

Two Bluejays:

Bluebird and Bluegray Gnatcatchers:


Monday – 12.26.2016

9:00 AM – More birds this morning, including the Blue jays. Here’s Mrs. Cardinal taking a serious bath:

8:40 AM – This morning we saw a bird we can’t quite identify. Here’s the video:

It’s got a patch of bright yellow at the top of the tail / base of back, and a very slight yellow cast to the top of the head. At first I thought it might be a Goldfinch, but the tail isn’t notched, and the eye has a white rim. The other possibility is the Yellow Rumped Warbler. They are usually very bright yellow, but the ‘non-breeding’ kinds are dull, with slightly yellow head/throat and the bright patch at the top of the tail. The warbler also has that white eye-ring, and the tail is right. Not sure which it is, or if it’s something else altogether. I’d like to get a better view.

Sunday – 12.25.2016

1:30 PM – Lots of birds so far this Christmas day, including the usual Carolina Wren, Tufted Titmouse, various Sparrows and Finches. We now know there are at least two bluejays. They ate all the nuts D put out on the rail, in about an hour. Here are videos of them eating and drinking:

Two male cardinals were around, one of them is smaller and brighter, the other is the one with the injury. Mrs and Mr. Cardinal (the uninjured one) drinking:

Here’s the injured Cardinal. His color is dull:

Finally, here’s a couple of finches and Mrs. Cardinal sharing the birdbath.

Thursday – 12.22.2016

2:20 PM – This morning it was the usual birds – see below for video of Carolina Wren and a Robin drinking:

Later in the afternoon one of the male Cardinals came by. It looks like he was injured somehow – the dark marks close to his throat. He didn’t turn directly toward the camera, so it’s hard to tell, but clearly something is going on.