1:00 AM – Another video of the adventurous One-Eared Squirrel going for the cylinder feeder. We get a good view of his squirrel belly.
Birds on the cylinder feeder – a Cardinal and some Finches.
1:00 AM – Another video of the adventurous One-Eared Squirrel going for the cylinder feeder. We get a good view of his squirrel belly.
Birds on the cylinder feeder – a Cardinal and some Finches.
1:00 AM – Here’s a Goldfinch, a non-breeding male, I think. That accounts for the rather dull color and lack of markings on the head. We haven’t seen many Goldfinches this year.
This Cardinal, shown here bathing, seems to have started molting.
Finally, a Carolina Chickadee pecking on the compressed seed cylinder.
1:00 AM – Carolina Wren bathing. He’s interesting to watch, a kind of hit and run bather.
From the mealworm feeder we see a male Cardinal, then in the middle of the clip, a female and male sharing mealworms. It happens quick, so look for it after the male flies off.
1:00 AM – This is a rather long video taken with the Nikon camera instead of the Arlo security cams. The quality is better, except for the shaky camera operator (me). We see Finches, Doves, Downy Woodpecker and Cardinals at various feeders around the yard, instead of the platform on the deck. We took that down to try to get rid of the squirrels. The video is over three minutes, so it’s the only one today.
1:00 AM – Cardinals on the mealworm feeder. At the end of the clip, they engage in a little food sharing.
And a couple of Bluebirds:
1:00 AM – Carolina Wrens on the cylinder feeder. This video was taken with the Nikon Coolpix camera, instead of the Arlo security cams. The difference in quality is obvious, though my shaking camera work doesn’t help. Next time, we’ll use a tripod.
Cardinals, Blue Jays and Finches alternating turns on the platform feeder. It’s nice to see cooperation, but a good bird dustup would have been more interesting.
Chickadee on the platform feeder.
1:00 AM – Bluebirds at home on the mealworm feeder.
A Cardinal on the mealworm feeder. The Cards are not particular, and will use any of the feeders.
1:00 AM – We neglected to refill the mealworm feeder yesterday, leaving this Carolina Wren to hunt for a snack.
Another Cardinal, this one on the compressed seed cylinder.
1:00 AM – Here’s a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. We haven’t seen one of these for a few months. They’re obviously a close relative of the Red-bellied Woodpecker. You can tell the difference by the long white stripe on the edge of the wing, and the red markings on the top of the head, and the throat (for males).
Bluebirds, followed by a Yellow-rumped Warbler, on the mealworm feeder.
Male Cardinal on the mealworm feeder.
1:00 AM – Mrs. Cardinal on the mealworm feeder. At the very end of the clip she’s joined by Mr. Cardinal.
Acrobatic White Breasted Nuthatch on the cylinder feeder.