Tag Archives: Cardinals

Monday – 7.23.2018

1:00 AM – Video from the Ground Cam – two Cardinals sharing, and Mrs. C foraging in the underbrush.

There is a young Cardinal living in the yard, as we suspected. Here he/she is signalling for food, which Mr. Cardinal provides.


Sunday – 7.22.2018

1:00 AM – This Carolina Wren, with it’s somewhat indistinct markings and fluffy/fuzzy look, might be an immature one. One way or another, he knows how to take a bird bath.

It was a big day for Wrens – here’s three of them on the Squirrel Buster.

This looks like an immature Cardinal, being feed by an adult male, but the camera angle is such that we can’t be sure.

Thursday – 7.19.2018

1:00 AM – Here’s Mazy heading down the trail in what looks like a blizzard. But what kind of blizzard? Not snow, of course, but it seems to be insects. Maybe it was rain, but I don’t think so. It’s creepy. No one likes a suffocating insect blizzard.

We have cameras in a new location. The one at theĀ  bottom of the tree, aimed at the ground where seed falls from the Squirrelbuster, caught these Cardinals feeding and sharing food.

In this one, Finches seem to have adapted well to the new location of the Squirrelbuster.