1:00 AM – That gray cat again, this time lounging around on a rock.
A couple of male Cardinals around the bird bath. There’s a lot of other birds hanging around the rail, where D puts out peanuts.
1:00 AM – That gray cat again, this time lounging around on a rock.
A couple of male Cardinals around the bird bath. There’s a lot of other birds hanging around the rail, where D puts out peanuts.
1:00 AM – Nice long bath for Mrs. Cardinal.
Disappointed Raccoon.
1:00 AM – Male Purple Finch on the ‘Tree Feeder’
Chickadee and Cardinal getting a drink at our new Blue Bowl.
1:00 AM – Look behind the water bowl, and see a couple (or more) Finches on the feeder. They won’t move so the Cardinal can land.
Possum traffic on the trail.
And a Raccoon on the rock:
1:00 AM – Another of the Eastern Towhee’s ground-feeding:
Molting Cardinal scratching up dinner.
Tufted Titmouse and a Sparrow on the feeder:
1:00 AM – It’s unusual to see a Squirrel around after dark. Not sure what time this was taken, but I think very shortly after the sun set.
White Breasted Nuthatch.
Cardinal ground feeding.
1;00 AM – Cardinal ground-feeding.
Finch vs Titmouse, with some faulty recording in the middle of the video.
1:00 AM – A Cardinal bathing, interrupted by a thirsty Dove.
Ground Squirrel getting some of the seed.
Male House Finch.
1:00 AM – Here’s a molting Robin chewing a sunflower seed. In the second video, we see the same Robin, but in this one, if you pay close attention, you can see seeds falling from the feeder above, kicked out by another bird at the Tree Feeder.
1:00 AM – This Cardinal looks hungry, and I don’t think there’s anything in the feeder.
This Finch seems hungry too, but is having better luck finding something to eat.