Tag Archives: Cardinals

Tuesday – 12.11.2018

1:00 AM – Here’s a break from the Goldfinch invasion, a kind of odd video of an immature Purple Finch soliciting food from a male Cardinal. The Cardinal goes along with it. I read about this, but have never seen it.

As long as we’re looking at Cardinals, here are three of the four males we have in the yard. I suppose they’re lined up in pecking order, with the top male getting to sit in the feeder, while the others wait.

Now, back to the Goldfinches.

Monday – 12.10.2018

1:00 AM – The Goldfinches have arrived. There’s a flock of at least six or seven on the ‘finch sock’ and in the platform feeder. It’s nice to see the sock being used – I noticed one Purple Finch on it.

More Finches, and a Cardinal

More Goldfinches and another Cardinal. It was a very busy day, in spite of rain.

Sunday – 12.2.2018

1:00 AM – We’ve got a lot of Cardinals. In this video you can see three males, one in the foreground, the other two in the background. No telling how long this can go on. The Cardinal mating season starts in March/April, and they’ll become very territorial. That is, more so than usual.

Red Breasted Nuthatch. These guys are fun to watch.

Thursday – 11.29.2018

1:00 AM – Cardinals and Finches usually get along, but in this video a male Cardinal routes a Purple Finch. In the background, along the rail, there are at least one other male Cardinal, possibly two. That’s a lot of male Cardinals. I suspect that many Cardinals crowded out the Bluebirds. Maybe.

This Yellow Bellied Sapsucker likes the compressed bug cylinder. These birds look almost exactly like the Red Bellied Woodpecker, but the markings are different, if you know where to look. After he flies off, a Pine Warbler and Nuthatch take over.