1:00 AM – A small Downy Woodpecker:
Busy day at the feeder:
1:00 AM – A small Downy Woodpecker:
Busy day at the feeder:
1:00 AM – Yellow-rumped Warbler on the Trailcam platform.
Cardinal and Pine Warbler facing off:
1:00 AM – The new year!
Looking for leftovers in the platform feeder:
Yellow-rumped Warbler, once a frequent visitor, now – not so much.
Here’s a bunch of videos for you.
1:00 AM – Cardinals get along with Finches:
For some reason we haven’t seen as many of these Yellow-rumped Warblers as we used to.
1:00 AM – Some birds for Boxing Day.
An Eastern Phoebe:
1:00 AM – Merry Christmas! Here’s a variety of videos for your Christmas morning:
1:00 AM – Dark Eyed Junco, Sparrow and others. The birds are really liking the platform feeders this winter.
Male Cardinals chasing each other away from the feeder.
1:00 AM – More traffic on the platform.
Sparrow and Dove. Nothing seems to bother those little Sparrows.
1:00 AM – A Finch, a Cardinal and a Dove walk into a bar… No, wait, I meant a Finch, Cardinal and Dove are hanging out in the platform feeder.
Downy Woodpecker on the nugget feeder. It’s very popular with woodpeckers.