1:00 AM – Cardinal on the rail:
Pine Warbler and a Dove:
More Blue Jays on the rail. The peanuts are really bringing them out.
1:00 AM – Cardinal on the rail:
Pine Warbler and a Dove:
More Blue Jays on the rail. The peanuts are really bringing them out.
1:00 AM – Yellow Warbler have a snack. We see these guys occasionally. Usually it’s the Pine Warbler, or the Yellow-rumped.
More of the Red-winged Blackbirds:
1:00 AM – Some video from the RailCam.
First, a Yellow Warbler. At least, I think that’s what it is. It could be a Goldfinch, according to one expert, but I don’t think so:
Next, a Cardinal. Plenty of those around. This one has the Punk Crest:
Finally, one of the Blue Jays that have returned, now that we have an abundant supply of peanuts available.
1:00 AM – A couple of narrow escapes. That Gray Cat is becoming a real problem for the birds. It pays to stay alert.
1:00 AM – Finches and Cowbirds pecking. Sometimes we can’t just all get along.
Lots of birds having lunch:
1:00 AM – Traffic on the TrailCam. When it’s working, we get some decent videos:
Another video of the recent Brown Headed Cowbird visit. Not an enormous wave of birds like a few years ago.
1:00 AM – Some birds, the usual crowd.
Cardinals in front of the new RailCam.
1:00 AM – The return of the Blue Jays. They haven’t been at the feeders for months, though we can see them up in the trees. This offering of peanuts on the rail seems to do the trick.
Purple Finches – we have plenty of them in the yard. It must be the season, but the males look a lot more ‘raspberry’ than usual.
Birds on the new Seed Bar. There’s a Downy Woodpecker, Carolina Chickadee and a Cardinal.They seem to like it just fine:
1:00 AM – Cowbirds are back this year. Not the swarm we had before, only two or three. Here they are, milling around with Finches and Warblers. Everyone was hungry that day.
Here’s some Finches and Cowbirds. The honeymoon is over, and the squabbling has begun.
1:00 AM – Cardinal on the nugget feeder
Finches and Sparrow sharing: