1:00 AM – This little Red-winged Blackbird went right for the camera, nobody knows why.
The mealworm feeder is back, and it’s getting it’s share of traffic. Here’s a nice looking Cardinal.
Squirrels are pests, but sometimes they’re cute:
1:00 AM – This little Red-winged Blackbird went right for the camera, nobody knows why.
The mealworm feeder is back, and it’s getting it’s share of traffic. Here’s a nice looking Cardinal.
Squirrels are pests, but sometimes they’re cute:
1:00 AM – Activity at the feeder:
Slow motion video of a Downy Woodpecker on the rail. We don’t usually see woodpeckers feeding on flat surfaces.
Crowd of hungry bird:
1:00 AM – We see more Blue Jays recently, probably due to the peanuts.
This is a slow motion video of a Cardinal attacking a Titmouse. My favorite part is after the incident, when the Cardinal struts around, daring the Titmouse to come back.
Brown Thrasher at the Peanut Bar:
1:00 AM – A brief video of a Crow. These birds really are black:
Regulars at the feeder, a Cardinal and Dark-eyed Junco:
This female Red-winged Blackbird is paying attention to surroundings – a good idea with all the cats:
1:00 AM – Some Crows were in the neighborhood yesterday, and a few stopped by for a handout.
The Red-winged Blackbirds are small compared to the Crows.
1:00 AM – Assorted birds eating like wild animals:
Those Red-winged Blackbirds are still around, though all we’ve seen are females and non-breeding males, not the more vividly colored breeding male. Still cool birds, though.
And more of then:
1:00 AM – There are still a few of the Red-winged Blackbirds around, mostly the females or non-breeding males:
And here, ‘sharing’ with Doves:
1:00 AM – Cardinal and friend, the usual crowd:
Chickadee feasting:
Agile raccoons, or maybe just one, climbing over our Railcams.
1:00 AM – Mrs. Cardinal:
Pine Warblers and a Chickadee:
1:00 AM – Cardinals, the constant visitors:
Another video of the recent visit from the Red-winged Blackbird. This doesn’t look black, or have a red wing – it’s a female and has different markings: