1:00 AM – Eastern Towhee and Cardinal:
Blue Jay cracking open seeds:
Another squirrel video:
1:00 AM – Eastern Towhee and Cardinal:
Blue Jay cracking open seeds:
Another squirrel video:
1:00 AM – Must be sharing season for the Cardinals:
Really hungry Cardinal:
That Eastern Towhee is still around:
1:00 AM – Mrs. Cardinal eating and ‘cheeping’.
The Squirrels are pests, but they’re still amusing to watch.
Here’s rare video of a Sasquatch sighting. This solitary creature is very seldom seen. Note his protective green coloration, and the cautious way he approaches the open space of the lawn. He was probably stalking a small deer, or raccoon.
1:00 AM – More video of Cardinals sharing food. No telling how many of these birds we have now.
No doubt we have many more Squirrels than Cardinals:
Blue Jay in the platform feeder pecking:
1:00 AM – Cardinals are here every day all day, so we have lots of Cardinal videos. Here’s one:
Lots of Blue Jays, too. Here’s one picking through the seeds in the platform feeder, probably looking for peanuts.
And more video of Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal sharing food, always a heart-warming sight.
1:00 AM – Normal everyday Cardinal and Jay traffic:
Carolina Wren with high standards. She won’t eat just any nut:
More Blue Jay video – this one of the Jay in the platform feeder, eating seeds like a normal bird. Blue Jays are notorious peanut snobs.
1:00 AM – I counted eight peanuts this greedy Blue Jay stuffed in it’s gullet, but I could have under counted.
Another video of two birds of different species getting along in the feeder. Evidently they’ve all finally realized there’s plenty to go around.
More of the Eastern Towhee:
1:00 AM – This gray cat is a constant menace to the innocent birds of our Food Court. What can be done? No one knows.
Another pesky squirrel video. Their hunger knows no bounds.
Another Red-winged Blackbird video, this one of a female that doesn’t share:
1:00 AM – These backyard birds have been hanging around the same feeders for so long the different species don’t mind eating right next to each other.
The Brown Thrasher, one of our favorites.
Squirrel rooting among the seeds. There are more (and bolder) squirrels these days. They barely scamper away when we come out on the porch.
1:00 AM – Cardinals have powerful and efficient beaks.
Except maybe this one. Still, even with a broken off beak tip, she does a good job on the peanuts:
This Eastern Towhee is not a frequent visitor anymore. At one time we had flocks of them.