1:00 AM – The Cardinals spending some time together:
Squirrel wants to know what’s going on:
Ambitious Squirrel sizes up the situation on the Squirrel Buster, shinnies up the supporting pole. He discovers he can’t get to the food, so climbs back down the rod, upside down. The Squirrels are little athletes.
1:00 AM – Squirrel enjoying nice clean water, then taking a leap at the Squirrel Buster feeder. He discovers that it’s called a ‘buster’ for good reason.
Mr. Cardinal getting a drink. The loss of the platform feeders has probably inconvenienced the Cardinals a little, but they can feed from the hangers without much trouble:
1:00 AM – We’re seeing these little Ground Squirrels around the deck, but usually they stick to eating seeds that have fallen out of the feeder. But this one is right there in the middle. Check out his little cheeks, stuffed with seeds.
Mr. Cardinal having a hard peck at the small seeds. He prefers the black oil sunflower seeds, not these little hard ones.