Tag Archives: Cardinals

Thursday – 6.13.2019

1:00 AM – This bird looks red to me, and not purple, so I’m calling it a House Finch instead of a Purple Finch.

Here’s a nice close up of Mrs. Cardinals Power-Beak. She’s tearing into the mealworms until the pesky Carolina Wren shows up

What’s up with Mrs. Cardinal. She’s not acting like she usually acts.

Monday – 6.10.2019

1:00 AM – Eventually these Squirrels will give up on the Squirrel Buster. It seems that every new generation of them has to learn that it’s futile to try.

Mrs. Cardinal is thinking about taking a bath:

Finally she commits, and jumps in. She’s been acting strangely for a few days now. She’s had several baths, and continues clicking her beak. Must be some kind of mating behavior. Or she’s having a breakdown because there are no peanuts on the rail: