1:00 AM – Mrs. Cardinal, up close:
Your Daily Squirrel. In this one, he’s getting the peanuts we had earmarked for real birds. He looks so happy.
And here’s the result – this Titmouse goes hungry:
1:00 AM – Mrs. Cardinal, up close:
Your Daily Squirrel. In this one, he’s getting the peanuts we had earmarked for real birds. He looks so happy.
And here’s the result – this Titmouse goes hungry:
1:00AM – Here’s a good quality video of Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal sharing. Such a lovely couple.
Tufted Titmouse working on a peanut:
More documentation of Squirrel misbehavior.
1:00AM – Before we get back to the Squirrel Channel, here’s a Cardinal digging into the mealworms:
More Squirrel antics, now that they’ve conquered the mealworm feeder:
And this one:
1:00 AM – This is cool – Mrs. Cardinal taking a bath while Mr. shares food with her. The way Mrs. has been acting, they must be in the middle of some high powered mating season.
Another one of Mrs. Cardinal bathing.
And now, a non-Cardinal video featuring the ever present Carolina Wren and Carolina Chickadee.
1:00 AM – Chickadees don’t stay at the feeder very long. Here’s a few clips of Chickadees being cute.
Mr. Cardinal, like so many of other birds, really likes mealworms:
Here’s one of the Carolina Wrens that are around the mealworm feeder all day, every day:
1:00 AM – This will make you laugh.
And here’s the unexpected visitor, enjoying himself. Notice the little nick in his right ear.
Cardinal and Wren trading places.
1:00 AM – This bird looks red to me, and not purple, so I’m calling it a House Finch instead of a Purple Finch.
Here’s a nice close up of Mrs. Cardinals Power-Beak. She’s tearing into the mealworms until the pesky Carolina Wren shows up
What’s up with Mrs. Cardinal. She’s not acting like she usually acts.
1:00 AM – Check out the ears on this little squirrel.
Mockingbird is still around:
Mrs. Cardinal continues her unusual behavior. Why is her beak open?
1:00 AM – Eventually these Squirrels will give up on the Squirrel Buster. It seems that every new generation of them has to learn that it’s futile to try.
Mrs. Cardinal is thinking about taking a bath:
Finally she commits, and jumps in. She’s been acting strangely for a few days now. She’s had several baths, and continues clicking her beak. Must be some kind of mating behavior. Or she’s having a breakdown because there are no peanuts on the rail:
1:00 AM – Wonder what’s upsetting this squirrel:
More of Mrs. Cardinal bathing and clicking her beak.
The mealworm feeder was empty, and this Carolina Wren wasn’t pleased: