Tag Archives: Cardinals

Friday – 7.19.2019

1:00 AM – Peanuts in the shell present a problem for some birds. This is a young Tufted Titmouse (I think) try his best:

Here’s a Cardinal flicking his tail around. I don’t know if this is normal, part of a mating ritual or a neurological disorder.

And then, there’s this Carolina Wren hopping and stretching. Once again, not sure why – either he’s vigilant or it’s a mating thing.

Saturday – 7.13.2019

1:00 AM = Mrs. Cardinal once again bathing.

Most birds drink by getting water in their beak, tilting their head back a little and letting it flow down their throat. The Doves seem to be able to lap, or suck it up.

A Purple Finch, then a Cardinal. These guys, along with the Squirrels and Doves, are about the only customers we have since we took the platform feeder down.

Friday – 7.12.2019

1:00 AM – Finches hanging out around the water hole:

The mealworm feeder is back up, in spite of the Squirrels. Here’s Mr. Cardinal taking advantage of it:

It’s hard to tell at night – this looks like the same gray cat that’s been around. But no, this one has no flea collar, like the one we saw a few ays ago: