1:00 AM – Regulars – Cardinal and a couple of very young Finches:
Midnight Cat.
1:00 AM – Regulars – Cardinal and a couple of very young Finches:
Midnight Cat.
1:00 AM – Very brief video of Bluebird:
Unfortunate molting Cardinal:
Cardinal, the early riser:
1:00 AM – Another video of a visiting Crow. He still can’t get access to the Squirrelbuster food:
In spite of the recent Bluebird and Crow visitors, Cardinals are still our biggest customers:
Young Cardinals getting a drink:
1:00 AM – One of the last of the Bluebird videos.
Either the Bluebird is molting, or…something.
And finally, some birds are messier than others. Actually, I think they’re all messy – squirrels too.
1:00 AM – Purple Finches and Cardinals having a busy day:
Cardinals and Bluebirds. The Bluebirds are gone now, who knows when they’ll return.
Purple Finch:
1:00 AM – AND… We’re back. New videos are being recorded. We should have daily updates from now on.
For a few days we had Bluebirds. Where they’ve been, and where they are now, no one knows.
Another Bluebird:
And finally, ever-present Cardinals:
1:00 AM – They’re back! Not sure for how long, though.
Molting Cardinal, always a pathetic sight.
More Bluebirds:
1:00 – Mr. Cardinal really knows how to chew a peanut:
Even more of Mr. C and peanuts.
And finally, unsociable Mr. Cardinal runs off another bird. No sharing for him.
1:00 AM – Mrs. Cardinal tearing into a peanut:
Dove drinking. The way they drink is different than most birds:
Cardinal eating, hopping, drinking, making the short flight from the rail to feeder.
1:00 AM – Cardinals on the rail:
Double dose of Carolina Wrens:
We haven”t see Mr. Raccoon for a while, but here he is: