Tag Archives: Bruno
Wednesday – 5.29.2019
1:00 AM – Eastern Towhee feeding – watch of Bruno in the background, making an unscheduled visit.
This one is pretty good – a squirrel tries to move in on a Dove in the feeder, but runs into resistance:
Another video of a Blue Jay vigorously attacking seeds:
Friday – 2.1.2019
1:00 AM – A flock of Robins came through, but they were camera-shy, and only a few got in front of the camera:
This might be a Bigfoot sighting, the video is not clear. But something is stalking the yard.
Tuesday – 8.14.2018
1:00 AM – Bruno visits!
Marsupial friend visits:
Carolina Wren:
Thursday – 8.2.2018
1:00 AM – Happy Bruno comes up and down the trail, checking things out.
The Towhees are still around. Here’s a nice specimen, scratching up some seed.
This Brown Thrasher looks a little dilapidated, no doubt due to molting.
Saturday – 4.21.2018
1:00 AM – A nocturnal visit from Bruno the Dog, just after midnight. A raccoon had just passed along the path, and Bruno is very interested in the scent. Happily for both, they didn’t meet.
More Indigo Bunting footage. We’ve seen two so far, and the pair were around this feeder all day yesterday. They’re migrators, so we probably won’t see them year round.
More meal worm feeder activity. First, a Yellow-rumped Warbler, followed by the ever-present Bluebird.
Sunday – 8.13.2017
12:29 AM – Retro-Sunday, videos from the archives.
Bruno, the neighbor dog. For a while he was jumping the fence every couple of days. We haven’t seen him too much this Summer. This video is from May 26, 2017.
The Rose-breasted Grosbeak hasn’t been here since they migrated through in May, when this video was taken. They’re an interesting looking bird.
We see them when they stop to refuel on their way between South/Central America and up north in the USA. Here’s a map of where they live, depending on season.
Map is from Cornell Labs All About Birds website.
Friday – 5.26.2017
12:10 AM – Bruno the neighbor dog came by twice today – this is the second time. We didn’t know about it until we reviewed the ‘tapes’. Bruno really, really wants to come in our house.
Before we moved the mealworm feeder back in front of the camera, we found that most of the traffic at the Squirrel Buster feeder we recorded were Finches (and some Chickadees). Here’s a close up of a female House Finch cracking a seed and extracting the meat. They’re really adept with their beaks, these birds.
Now that the camera is back on the mealworms we’re starting to see some of the old, regular customers there, like this Red-bellied Woodpecker, the Bluebird, a Cardinal and a Chickadee. We get a lot more variety with mealworms than with the Squirrel Buster and it’s Black Oil Mixture.
Sunday – 5.14.2017
2:48 PM – Unexpected visit from our neighbor Bruno. Like all dogs, Bruno is infatuated with D.
3:43 AM – Typical day at the Suet Feeder: White Breasted Nuthatch, Downy Woodpecker, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Carolina Chickadee, in that order. I don’t know where the Mockingbird went.
The immature House Finches are still around. Here’s one at the platform feeder. I like the drab harlequin look. It takes longer for these birds to mature (like the bluebirds), than I thought it would.
Sunday – 4.9.2017
10:29 AM – Bruno the neighbor dog jumped the fence again this morning. In the first section he’s in the bottom left corner – he pauses briefly to listen to, and ignore, his owner calling him. We always enjoy our visits from Bruno, and he seems to have a good time.
9:14 AM – Bluebird fledglings are back. There are three of them, and they seem to be getting stronger, better at flying and hopping. Not always though. Here’s one trying to take off from the birdbath and getting an involuntary dunking.
7:56 AM – Early morning Hummingbird.
4:06 AM – The bluebirds made a brief appearance yesterday morning, but that was it. With any luck, we’ll get some good footage of them today. In the meantime, here’s a couple of standard variety Carolina Chickadees. These little hoppers are among of my favorites.
Heavy traffic at the mealworm feeder.