Tag Archives: Bluegray Gnatcatchers

Thursday – 11.30.2017

1:14 AM – The mealworm feeder was empty for a day, and the Bluebirds go into a feeding frenzy when D fills it up.

Brief videos of new arrived Pine Warblers eating and drinking. (Not really eating, since the feeder was empty just about then, but you get the picture.)

From December, 2016, we have two Blue-gray Gnatcatchers drinking at the birdbath. We rarely see these little birds. That’s too bad, they’re cute little fellows.


Thursday – 6.1.2017

4:22 AM – Where are they now? These are some of the birds that visited for one day, or maybe a week, then flew off somewhere. Maybe they were migrating, and we’ll see them again in the Fall. Maybe they got a better offer at a Foodcourt down the block. Anyway, here are videos of their visits.

Indigo Bunting

Rose-breasted Grosbeak


Easter Towhee

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

Cedar Waxwing

Dark-eyed Junco

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Redwing Blackbird

And finally, our favorite, the Brown Headed Cowbirds

Friday – 12.30.2016

9:00 AM – Lot more birds today. We’ve had the Purple Finches, White Throated Sparrow, Tufted Titmouse and Cardinals, in other words, the usual crowd. The Cardinal is the male that was injured. You can see the gash on his neck. He’s joined in this video by one of the Bluebirds.

8:15 AM – Activity at the birdbaths so far this morning:

Two Bluejays:

Bluebird and Bluegray Gnatcatchers:


Monday – 12.19.2016

10:50 PM – Not many birds in the birdbaths the last few days. Lots are feeding, but I suppose the recent rain makes the water less interesting to them. Squirrels, on the other hand, are regular visitors. Here’s a video of one that drinks, then wades out a little into the pan.

One  bird that did show up is the Blue-Gray Gnat Catcher. Here he is, checking out the floating sprinkler. We put it out today when the sun was shining, but it got cloudy again, so not much sprinkling.

Finally, here’s another video of that pathetic thirsty cat trying to get a drink from the frozen bath in the middle of the night.

Saturday – 12.17.2016

1:00 PM – It’s cloudy today, so no sprinkler action. However, it was pretty busy. Here are some videos of birdbath traffic:

Here’s a good close-up of Mr. Cardinal eating a sunflower seed. Powerful beak:

This one caught a Bluebird and a Blue-gray Gnat Catcher:

Here’s a robin getting a drink. I’d mistakenly thought robins passed through Alabama on their way to…not sure where. But it turns out that Alabama is one of their destinations, particularly North and Central Alabama. So, presumably, this one is here for the winter.

Bird Videos – Lots of Them – BUT NOT REALLY

A number of videos we took at the beginning of this project will not display due to the uncertainty of the Word Press storage system. We did some research but couldn’t find a solution, so we are reposting them, one and two at a time, starting in November 2017. They will be the bonus ‘Retro’ videos displayed after the current bird and critter activity.