Tag Archives: Bluebirds

Thursday – 3.1.2018

1:00 AM – We’ll start with this Mockingbird scattering the Bluebirds on the mealworm feeder. The Mockingbird is a regular visitor to the worm feeder. We see many different kind of birds eating mealworms, some more often than others.

Cardinal and Bluebird eyeing each other on the mealworm feeder. I like the way the Cardinal peaks around the feeder.

Finally, this Bluebird is included because he’s so intensely blue.

Monday – 2.26.2018

4:30 AM – We now have four cameras back in action. This video is from the ‘Cylinder Cam’. A male Downy Woodpecker is pecking his way into the compressed seeds. The original video was almost four minutes long, and showed him slowly working his way around the feeder.

Meanwhile, on the mealworm feeder, it’s reassuring to see we still have plenty of Bluebirds around.

Saturday – 2.24.2018

1:00 AM – We’ve got two more cameras working, so we’re able to capture video of the mealworm feeder again. Here’s a random selection of mealworm fans – in order of appearance: Bluebird, Carolina Chickadee, Carolina Wren and Yellow-rumped Warbler.

Normal traffic on the platform feeder. We’ve got a Red-bellied Woodpecker getting some peanuts, some Purple Finches, male and female, and a Dove.

Thursday – 2.15.2018

1:00 AM – Looks like the Finches have gone off somewhere else, maybe back up north, maybe just over to Hoover. One way or another it’s a lot quieter around here. But not near as exciting. We’ll continue with non-Finch videos until, possibly, the Brown Headed Cowbirds come through.

Another Bluebird, this one with a single Finch. The Finch restrains himself from attacking until the Bluebird leaves, then goes for any other Finch that lands. That’s just how it is.

Tuesday 1.23.2018

4:02 AM – The Thicket Cam is a camera we installed at the lower part of our yard, in a stand of small trees and brush. We hope to capture video of critter that won’t/don’t come up on the deck. We don’t have the camera situated exactly right yet, but we did get this clip of a raccoon checking out the setup. More and better video to come.

Another unexpected Retro Video, but a good one. From July 9, 2017:

Monday – 1.22.2018

3:37 AM – An unscheduled Retro Monday.

Here’s a gang of Blue Jays from 9.7.2017:

Sometimes Blue Jays squabble, and sometimes they seem to get along alright. Watch this small gang of Jays go for a pile of fresh seed. Then watch them get dispersed by one Mourning Dove. The Jays keep coming back – but the camera battery ran out of juice before the matter was settled. I suspect it never gets settled, this kind of thing just goes on all day. Notice that there’s still a little Summer Molting going on.

From 8.11.2017, a couple of juvenile Bluebirds, with patchy, striped markings.

Saturday – 1.20.2018

3:53 AM – Variety of birds on the cylinder feeder, including  Cardinal, Downy Woodpecker, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Mockingbird, Bluebird and Squirrel. Notice the squirrel giving up after a few bites. Pepper seed works, usually.

Plus one more cylinder bird, this one a Pine Warbler. He’s about the same color as some whole hard-boiled egg yolks I’ve seen.