Tag Archives: Bluebirds

Saturday – 4.7.2018

1:00 AM – Brief video of Bruno the Dog, with a slow-motion replay.  Not a great video, but this is his first visit in quite a while, so we thought we’d show it.

Another video of the Red-bellied Woodpecker, with it’s impressive beak.

Bluebird at home on the mealworm feeder. (Camera was tilted, not the feeder).

Sunday – 4.1.2018

1:00 AM – We’ve seen the Cardinals do this, but it’s the first time we got video of Blue Jays sharing food. We assume it means the same thing – some kind of courtship or nesting behavior.

An old Bluebird video, from September, 2017.

Thursday – 3.29.2018

1:00 AM – Here’s a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. We haven’t seen one of these for a few months. They’re obviously a close relative of the Red-bellied Woodpecker. You can tell the difference by the long white stripe on the edge of the wing, and the red markings on the top of the head, and the throat (for males).

Bluebirds, followed by a Yellow-rumped Warbler, on the mealworm feeder.

Male Cardinal on the mealworm feeder.