1:00 AM – More video from the recent Bluebird visit:
It looks like this Crow is drinking, but he’s actually fishing seeds out of the water and eating.
Dove bathing:
1:00 AM – More video from the recent Bluebird visit:
It looks like this Crow is drinking, but he’s actually fishing seeds out of the water and eating.
Dove bathing:
1:00 AM – Still a few Bluebirds around:
There was a Crow around for a few days. Here he is with a Dove.
Molting birds are pathetic, like this Cardinal:
1:00 AM – Purple Finches and Cardinals having a busy day:
Cardinals and Bluebirds. The Bluebirds are gone now, who knows when they’ll return.
Purple Finch:
1:00 AM – AND… We’re back. New videos are being recorded. We should have daily updates from now on.
For a few days we had Bluebirds. Where they’ve been, and where they are now, no one knows.
Another Bluebird:
And finally, ever-present Cardinals:
1:00 AM – They’re back! Not sure for how long, though.
Molting Cardinal, always a pathetic sight.
More Bluebirds:
1:00 AM – More video of the Downy Woodpecker:
We have a Bluebird sighting on the mealworm feeder. It’s not a great video, but it’s what we have. Maybe those worms will lure others here:
And more of the Lounging Squirrel. He was out there on the rail for quite a while:
1:00 AM – We don’t see many of these Bluebirds anymore, and that’s too bad.
We has some Brown Headed Cowbirds come through, not the big flock we’ve had in the past, but enough to cause this little jam up on the feeder:
Even more Cowbirds:
1:00 AM – This stray Bluebird is the first we’ve seen in weeks. I think at one time there were two Bluebird families living in the yard, but they’ve moved on. Too bad about the bad camera angle, and poor video quality.
Video of another Squirrel defeated by the ‘Squirrel Buster’.
Here’s a selfish female Purple Finch keeping the feeder for herself.
1:00 AM – The last of our videos of the Bluebird that was around a few weeks ago. We haven’t seen him, or any other Bluebird, since then.
Another Mazy-in-the-pool video.
Small critters use the pool too, like Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal.
1:00 AM – Mrs. Cardinal on the mealworm feeder. At the time the platform feeder was empty, but Cardinals are versatile, particularly if they’r hungry.
One of those Bluebird videos from a few days ago, when this solitary male was around. He seems to be gone now.