Tag Archives: Bluebirds

Monday – 12.4.2017

2:51 AM – A Cardinal on the platform feeder is a common sight.  We haven’t presented a Cardinal video (except ‘retro’s’) for a while, so, here it is:

Another Cardinal video, this time on the mealworm feeder. Cardinals will go for mealworms, but they usually prefer the platform and Squirrel-buster feeders, where the sunflower seeds are. In this video, Mr. C is having lunch, and discouraging the regulars from joining him – that part is in slow motion. As soon as he leaves, the Bluebirds come back.

Thursday – 11.30.2017

1:14 AM – The mealworm feeder was empty for a day, and the Bluebirds go into a feeding frenzy when D fills it up.

Brief videos of new arrived Pine Warblers eating and drinking. (Not really eating, since the feeder was empty just about then, but you get the picture.)

From December, 2016, we have two Blue-gray Gnatcatchers drinking at the birdbath. We rarely see these little birds. That’s too bad, they’re cute little fellows.


Monday – 11.27.2017

3:04 AM – The birds have been very thirsty lately, giving us plenty of video of drinking and splashing around. Here’s a small Bluebird having a sip until a nice looking Brown Thrasher shows up.

Sometime yesterday afternoon the birds gobbled up the last of the mealworms. Today, we’re seeing a lot of this: a annoyed looking Bluebird waiting for a refill. And probably complaining about the service in this joint.



Thursday – 11.23.2017

4:37 AM – We’re seeing more Mockingbirds this Fall – or maybe the same few Mockingbirds a lot more frequently. As seen here, he’s a fan of the platform feeder and the birdbath. He also likes mealworms, puppies and long walks in the rain. Maybe not those last two.

Archive footage (November 2016) of birds peacefully at the birdbath.  There are Bluebirds, Purple Finches, Cardinal and Sparrows.

Sunday – 11.19.2017

4:38 AM – It’s ‘Retro-Robins’, a review of past videos featuring the American Robin.

We’ll start with some juvenile Bluebirds being approached by a juvenile Robin. I’m pretty sure the Robin wants to be friends, but the Bluebirds aren’t having any of that.

From last summer, a Robin  bathing”

From more than a year ago, a Robin drinking:

Finally, a Robin and a pathetic looking molting Cardinal. The Robin waits for the Cardinal to leave before bathing. Robins are notoriously modest.

Wednesday -11.15.2017

12:13 AM – Just a couple of Bluebirds on the mealworm feeder, like most other days. One’s a male, the other a female. Maybe a couple having lunch together.

And now for something completely different: A raccoon washing up in the middle of the night. Since we switched to ‘pepper’ bird feed we’re seeing  a lot few cameras and feeders knocked to the ground by enthusiastic raccoons. But they still come around occasionally.