Tag Archives: Blue jays

Thursday – 1.4.2018

2:39 AM – A few days ago, in the morning, two Blue Jays looking for something to eat. We haven’t refilled the feeders yet, and so have a couple of disappointed birds.

The peanuts have attracted a variety of birds to the platform feeder and rail, including the Red-bellied Woodpecker. At the end of this clip, look for a bonus appearance by a Blue Jay.

Tuesday – 1.2.2018

1:58 AM – The squirrels have become very bold. Here’s one feasting on the platform feeder. When D comes out to shoo him off, he’s not impressed. When she’s almost close enough to grab his tail and swing him around he decides to make a break for it.

The missing Blue Jays have returned. We’re glad to see them, but it’s clear they only love us for our peanuts. Like this one. In the brief clip we see him tuck one away, then eat one and finally hop over a dove to the rail, where there are plenty more.

This Red-bellied Woodpecker is really mining the seed cylinder for something special. He gets it, too.

Sunday -12.31.2017

3:31 AM – Happy Birthday to D, my wonderful wife. Here are a few videos to start your morning with.

We saw the Blue Jays for a few minutes the other day. The peanuts we’ve been distributing lured them out. But we didn’t get any good video of them. So, to make up for that, here’s a few ‘Retro Blue Jay’ clips.

The Yellow-rumped Warbler, besides having an awesome name, has some nice markings. The chest stripes are not unusual, but we haven’t seen them on the Warbler before.

The Brown Thrasher is not as colorful as the ‘Glamor Birds’, like the Cardinals and Bluebirds, but it’s an attractive bird nonetheless.




Sunday – 12.3.2017

2:52 AM – Retro-Sunday, once again. From December, 2016, we have some birdbath activity.

It’s a shame the Blue Jays have moved on from our yard. We haven’t seen one in weeks. Here they are in the days when they were all over the place.

Mrs. Cardinal takes a vigorous bath.

Sunday – 11.12.2017

1:12 AM – It’s Retro-Sunday again. We’ll start with this video of a Bluebird attacking a Yellow Rumped Warbler at the mealworm feeder. This clip was first posted in March, 2017. Here it is again, re-edited to show the assault by the vicious Bluebird in Slow Motion. We do like our Bluebirds, though. We just stay away from them at the mealworm feeder.

We haven’t seen the Blue Jays at the feeders for several weeks, so here’s a video from the recent past, just to take a look at the beautiful birds. This isn’t their best behavior, but we still like to look at them.


Sunday – 10.8.2017

1:37 AM – We had quite a bit of activity at the feeders this week, and a pretty good crop of videos.  We’re skipping Retro-Sunday this week and presenting a few of new ones.

This pair of Blue Jays are furious eaters – and one of them not too careful where he gets his seed. There’s plenty to go around, why take food from the beak of his buddy? Probably just Blue Jays being Blue Jays.

While we’re on the subject of Birds Behaving Badly, here’s a Mourning Dove that’s not interested in sharing. Not at all.

And finally, a female Cardinal with a punk-style crest and a bad attitude.


Thursday – 10.5.2017

1:37 AM – There are always some Bluebirds on the mealworm feeder. We have at least a half dozen of them, probably more. That’s why we keep posting videos of them.

Blue Jay really doesn’t want to share with feeder with the Cardinal. No hesitation, as soon as the Card gets close the Jay runs right at her. Oh, well. It will be the Cardinals’ turn in a few minutes. That’s the nice thing about having multiple feeders.

Tuesday – 9.26.2017

4:05 AM – Noisy Blue Jay opening seeds while a cardinal looks on. What the video doesn’t show is a long showdown between the two birds, with some impressive feather display by the Cardinal. Didn’t do him any good, though. Blue Jays prevail.

Mrs. Cardinal posturing on the Squirrel Buster. My favorite part is at the end, when she bends over and shows us her bird rear end before flapping away. Take that, video camera!!