5:51 AM – Here’s an unscheduled ‘Retro’ session. Lately there’s been nothing but the usual characters doing the usual things – not too interesting. Instead, from February, 2017, here’s a flock of Goldfinches on the finch sock.
And from March, a flock of Purple Finches on the platform feeder.
3:02 AM – More excitement at the mealworm feeder. This Mockingbird doesn’t like to share. The Bluebird lands, and takes off again fast. Once that’s accomplished, Mockingbird goes back to eating worms.
Doves are getting numerous around the feeders again. Here’s one drinking, and another keeping some Cardinals at bay in the feeder.
12:13 AM – Just a couple of Bluebirds on the mealworm feeder, like most other days. One’s a male, the other a female. Maybe a couple having lunch together.
And now for something completely different: A raccoon washing up in the middle of the night. Since we switched to ‘pepper’ bird feed we’re seeing a lot few cameras and feeders knocked to the ground by enthusiastic raccoons. But they still come around occasionally.
2:54 AM – Mrs. Cardinal doesn’t get a friendly reception from the Bluebird on the mealworm feeder, but once it’s clear that she’s just there for the food, they both settle down. After that, Bluebirds come and go, as well as a little Chickadee. But Mrs. C keeps on eating.
This was taken just before we replenished the platform feeder. Mr. Cardinal swaggers in for a snack, and finds nothing but husks. You can tell he doesn’t like that.
1:46 AM – We moved feeders and cameras around, trying to get a new variety of birds. We’re not sure how that will work out, but with the camera back on the mealworm feeder we’re getting lots of videos of Bluebirds. Here’s a sample of the activity at the high traffic feeder.
It’s not just Bluebirds. Here’s a Carolina Wren and a nice Mockingbird taking their turn at the trough.
1:12 AM – It’s Retro-Sunday again. We’ll start with this video of a Bluebird attacking a Yellow Rumped Warbler at the mealworm feeder. This clip was first posted in March, 2017. Here it is again, re-edited to show the assault by the vicious Bluebird in Slow Motion. We do like our Bluebirds, though. We just stay away from them at the mealworm feeder.
We haven’t seen the Blue Jays at the feeders for several weeks, so here’s a video from the recent past, just to take a look at the beautiful birds. This isn’t their best behavior, but we still like to look at them.
1:04 AM – A small drama at the Squirrel Buster feeder. Pine Warbler and a Chickadee are peacefully feeding. Watch the slow-motion video of a Cardinal flying in and running them off.
We used to have Sparrows everywhere, but they’ve relocated. Here’s a stray after the long rain yesterday. We’d like to see more of these little guys.
2:36 AM – The Purple Finch versus Cardinal situation on the Squirrel Buster feeder continues. Recently the Cardinal sent the Finch packing. This time it’s different. I guess the Finch is just tired of being pushed around. Or maybe it’s a different Finch and Cardinal.
Brown Thrasher on the platform feeder, just after an all-day rain. We like these birds. In this part of the country (Central Alabama) they are year-round residents.
4:14 AM – The deck platform feeder is back. We took it down because it attracted too many doves. So far, it’s been mainly Cardinals using it, along with this Mockingbird. I like the Cardinal sneaking up behind him.
This fat Cardinal is doing what Cardinals always do: Eating sunflower seeds and chasing smaller birds away. Nature in action.