Sunday – 12.17.2017

3:20 AM – We don’t know too much about the Dark-eyed Juncos. Wwe’ve only seen them with the other birds a few times. Today we found out they can be a little aggressive, at least toward Sparrows. We’re not sure they’d try this with a Cardinal.

Red-bellied Woodpecker is heavy enough to partially activate the anti-squirrel mechanism.  He has to approach the feeding port sideways to fit his head/beak in. The Red-bellied is the biggest local resident bird that visits the hanging feeders – the Doves stick to the platform.

Wednesday – 12.13.2017

3:13 AM – Continuing our “Bluebirds Behaving Badly” series, we have these young birds squabbling on the mealworm feeder. They’re a quarrelsome lot.

Here’s a cheeky juvenile talking back to an adult. The good part is repeated in slow-motion.

In this one a small young Bluebird attacks a much larger Cardinal. Those Bluebird adolescents must be full of testosterone.

Tuesday – 12.12.2017

1:39 AM – Birds drinking – a Bluebird, Yellow Warbler and Robin.

Typical traffic on the Squirrel Buster. The Purple Finch is pushing everyone around, though he gets some kickback from a Sparrow or two.

First in a series of Bluebirds Behaving Badly. We have a number of these clips of juvenile Bluebirds terrorizing the other birds. In this one, a young Bluebird takes on a Dove twice his size, runs him off, then looks around for more victims.

Monday – 12.11.2017

2:22 AM – Bluebird mealworm brunch, attended by up to four Bluebirds at a time. I wonder how many would cluster around if the feeder was bigger.

We’re seeing these Dark-eyed Junco’s everyday now. They’re not the most colorful bird, and they’re not really that interesting to watch – they just sit and eat. But they’re good-hearted, and behave themselves, so they deserved a video. Just one video. Here it is.



Sunday – 12.10.2017

3:22 AM – We have plenty of current videos on hand, so we’re skipping the Retro-Sunday feature until next week.

Another ‘snow video’, this one some random birds eating during a lull in the snow fall. Although it snowed all day, it was not a very heavy snow fall. The birds were able to get out and feed throughout most of the day.

And, trying to drink from the frozen birdbaths. We put some liquid water in them, so every bird got their thirst quenched.

From before the snow, colorful birds on the Squirrel Buster – a House Finch and Pine Warbler.


Saturday – 12.9.2017

2:52 AM – Special ‘snow storm’ video. In the aftermath snow filled the platform feeder. This is funny – Mrs. Cardinal is baffled, but unexpectedly, a Brown Thrasher comes along and…

Earlier this week we showed a video of hungry birds waiting at the empty mealworm feeder. D filled the feeder, and everything got back to normal. Here’s some of the regulars, one after another.

We’ve got plenty of White Breasted Nuthatches, but the Brown Headed variety – seen here on the Squirrel Buster – is relatively rare in our yard.


Backyard Birds in Central Alabama