Sunday – 6.24.2018

1:00 AM – Retro-Sunday

Saturday – 6.24.2017

1:18 AM – It’s been raining for five days now. This cardinal has certainly gotten used to it.

We replenished the suet cage yesterday, and threw the leftovers into the platform feeder. It turns out the Blue Jays really like suet, even though they never come to the suet cage. Evidently they don’t like to hang from the vertical surface. Notice that he’s carrying off pieces of suet for some other Jay.

Saturday – 6.23.2018

1:00 AM – We’ve only had a few ‘daytime’ creatures drink from Mazy’s wallowing pool. Here’s a Dove and a Squirrel. It could be that the pool usually isn’t filled to the brim, as it is in these videos.

Here’s an ordinary Sparrow snacking at the Squirrel Buster. Nothing much happens, but it’s a slow day for bird videos, so here it is.

Mazy trotting down the trail to the watering hole. Sort of trotting.

Wednesday – 6.20.2018

1:00 AM – Goldfinch, probably a female, or a non-breeding male. This bird doesn’t have the black head markings of the breeding male, but it’s not as drab as the non-breeders are supposed to be. The ‘finch’ beak, which looks like a smaller version of the Cardinal beak, isn’t found on the Warblers – which resemble the Goldfinches. Not sure what it is, but I’ll call it a female, or possibly a non-breeding male.

Tufted Titmouse and Chickadee on the Squirrel Buster. These guys, along with the Cardinals (and Squirrels) are the most common visitors.

One more of Mazy chilling out in the pool,

Monday – 6.18.2018

1:00 AM – This stray Bluebird is the first we’ve seen in weeks. I think at one time there were two Bluebird families living in the yard, but they’ve moved on. Too bad about the bad camera angle, and poor video quality.

Video of another Squirrel defeated by the ‘Squirrel Buster’.

Here’s a selfish female Purple Finch keeping the feeder for herself.

Sunday – 6.17.2018

1:00 AM – One more (I promise) slothful Retro entry.

Saturday – 6.17.2017

8:16 AM – Two of our cameras are down, leaving the one at the mealworm feeder. Which explains why todays videos are all of birds eating worms. We’re rearranging feeders and cameras, and should be back to normal in a few days.

The first video is a good one of a bluebird eating worms. Just that, but it’s a good clear video. So there you are.

The next one shows Mr. Cardinal’s unfortunate table manners.

And finally, the  bluebird and cardinal together (briefly) at the mealworm bar. That looks like a female (or juvenile) House Finch trying to butt in.

Saturday – 6.16.2018

1:00 AM – One more Retro!

Friday – 6.16.2017

6:50 AM – This one is just for the color on the Blue Jay’s back.

After we took the open platform feeder out of service we had some disappointed and confused birds. The doves, Cardinals and Blue Jays don’t care for the ‘perch’ style feeders. Lucky for them we have two more platforms elsewhere in the yard.

This is a lengthy video of the raccoon discovering that he could reach the Squirrel Buster feeder from the rail. He makes the most of it. He was there for over an hour, and it looks like he ate until he couldn’t eat any more.

Backyard Birds in Central Alabama