4:03 PM – There was a lot of action and the newly restored platform feeder and bird bath on the deck. First, we see a Mourning Dove wallowing in the bath. The water got so dirty from all the bathing I had to change it early in the day. That’s a robin trying to run him off.
Here’s that robin with a really roughed-up looking Cardinal. That Cardinal is kind of a mystery. He was around earlier in the day, but didn’t look so bedraggled. Maybe he had a bout of accelerated molting. Maybe he got mobbed by a flock of delinquent bluebirds. He seems to fly away all right.
Finally, the robin by himself aggressively bathing and grooming himself.
1:00 AM – Here’s a video from the new location of the Squirrel Buster. This is proof that the Squirrel Buster lives up to its name.
Another Squirrel video, this one of a squirrel checking out the pool, and deciding to pass on the water. It might have been too shallow to comfortably reach, as in the video below.
Finally, a Finch discovers that she can’t reach the water in Mazy’s pool.
A Carolina Wren at the Squirrel Buster, when it was in it’s old, dark location. Future videos of this feeder should be of better quality, now that it’s been relocated.
Another video of that Blue Jay from a couple of days ago. We don’t see them too much, and don’t see the Bluebirds at all. Maybe it’s the hawk that lives next door.
8:27 AM – Bluebirds, particularly the young ones, seem to be a quarrelsome lot. The next two videos illustrate this. In the first a couple of them are squabbling on the mealworm feeder.
Here a bluebird juvenile shares the water with a young house finch for a while, but finally he flies into the finch and drives him off. That part is in slow motion, since it happens so quickly.
And last, these three young bluebirds are just hanging out at the birdbath. They’re not drinking, or bathing. They remind me of delinquents loitering in front of a liquor store, waiting for trouble.
1:00 AM – More Trail Cam action, this time a nice looking cat. There was also video of that possum heading down the path, but since it was identical to the one posted a few days ago, I didn’t download it. The possum is a creature of habit, as everyone knows.
Finch, Cardinal and Chickadee on the Squirrel Buster (in it’s old location).
1:00 AM – Blue Jay on the platform feeder. This will be one of the last videos from the platform. We’re taking it down, and moving the camera to another feeder. It was attracting pests to the deck. So, no more platform.
One more from the platform – a couple of Doves.
Here’s a female Purple Finch at the Squirrel Buster, taken by the camera just moved from the deck. It’s a little dark, so we may have to relocate again.
1:11 AM – This bird looks like a molting female Cardinal, but it might be a juvenile. Probably molting – the sparse feathers in the crest look like those of the molting male.
Just a short clip of a nice looking adult male bluebird. At one time we didn’t see many of them, but putting out the mealworms really attracts them.
We see this young House Finch frequently the last few days. This one, or one of it’s siblings.
1:00 AM – Faces of the Platform – a series of close-up videos of patrons of the platform feeder. They are, in order, a Cardinal, Finch, Dove, Wren and Squirrel.